Chapter 7

Andre moved fast.

Rafe was shocked into immobility, Beau had been busy guarding Toby, and Mr. Gylarcan didn’t bother to lift a finger, but the young wolf was able to recognize the alarm on Bones’ face. His legs acted on their own, quickly leaping for the boy they met only a couple of minutes ago. With his focus on the ball of snarls and gnashing teeth hurtling toward him, the latter didn’t see the omé slide in next to him with untapped speed, latch hands under his arms, and zip out of the way.

There was a large crash as wood, metal, and porcelain exploded everywhere. Andre felt himself and Bones blown back a little, a miniature shockwave resounding throughout the diner. The two shapes had uncurled from each other a bit, and the sight of a hulking mass of furry muscle and lethal, shark-like teeth slashing repeatedly across the thick arms of a red-eyed, cyan-bodied, and winged monstrosity.

That familiar musky whiff that Andre sniffed in immediately told him what the one on the offense w
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