Three Months Later...

Is it best to feel the warmth of being alive? This was the experience Raymond always wanted to treasure and might be the most beautiful thing that ever existed in his life.

His life on Earth stopped when he was 12, but another life continued at 12 as well. Even if there were problems presented to him in the future, he at least had some clues on how to fix and overcome them.

What Raymond needed to learn now was how to use mana. Indeed, even though he was still unawakened, he had a chance to feel the mana.

In the past, there were cases where unawakened people were able to feel the mana. They were called prodigies, not only because of their ability to feel the mana but because they were also able to open a status card without being awakened.

What was it? Well, it was only a normal status card. It shows people's progress and what would appear there if an unawakened person were able to open it. Well, only their stats.

People with these kinds of abilities are always one step ahead of others. They might have a stronger body or good mana circulation. Nonetheless, MPs were not present, which is why Raymond was aware of his advantages.

His goal was to become a prodigy, and he didn't need a card to check his status; he only wanted to have a prompt notification from the system.

In this way, he would not only be able to be prepared for the future but also become the key to the village, making his status inside all the more crucial.

"Preparation at its finest, indeed." He mumbled to himself.


3 months later...

"Hey, Raymond! Arthur is outside!" A call came from Raymond's older sister, Rebecca.

Raymond instinctively raised his eyebrow as he complied with Rebecca's call. He immediately stopped washing his hands and immediately went to their front door with a smile on his face.

"Coming!" He yelled with an enthusiastic tone.

Rebecca scoffed as she saw how excited Raymond was. It was as if Raymond had never gone outside, but it was an everyday routine for her to call Raymond. Every day, Raymond's friends would invite him to the small hill near the riverside.

When Raymond arrived at the door, he saw Arthur with a smile on his face, patiently waiting for him.

"Oh! Arthur! Let's go!" Raymond said.

Arthur shifted his head and faced Raymond. He then nodded and ran off, only to see Raymond follow him. They went to the small hill where on top was a huge tree. There were two other kids waiting. One was a girl and the other one was a boy.

"Were you two waiting too long?" Arthur asked his twin, Anna.

"Yes. We have been waiting here since earlier." Anna calmly sent her reply.

"A knight should not be late, you know that, Raymond." An aggressive tone came from the other kid, Sefreid.

Raymond only scoffed at Sefreid's words and then slowly lowered his head as a joke.

"I am sorry, captain, I forgot the time and I promise I won't do it again." Raymond said.

Sefreid awkwardly scratched his nape and then said, "It is okay. If you won't do it again, I can think of forgiving you just this once."

Raymond smiled and nodded. He then threw his arms around Sefreid's shoulder and pulled it to his side.

"What? Are you crazy? Do you think I should accept you as my captain? I am just joking, you retard." Raymond uttered with a sneering tone and then laughed.

"Gukh! Raymond! You monster! Let me go! It hurts, dumbass." Sefreid hissed.

Anna and Arthur snickered at Raymond and Sefreid's acting like fools every day. There would always be a time where they would play as delusional knights, chanting positions and attacks.

When they play, they always do this, but it seemed like it was not tiring as each time this happened, Raymond had a story prepared after the game.

And so, just as after the game, the four kids were sitting together like a square, attentively lending their ears to Raymond. Then, Raymond started his story.

"Back on Earth, there were weapons that no one could dodge. They fly from a distance at an intense speed, but what do you think of this weapon? Oh, I forgot, this weapon doesn't fly, but the bullet is what flies." Raymond said, with an intriguing tone.

The other three thought for a few seconds as they tried to guess what the weapon was.

In this world, there were plenty of weapons and items to use as weaponry. However, there was limited knowledge that was passed to commoners as an assurance that they wouldn't pursue those other weapons.

It was taboo to teach other commoners about the other weapons, but Raymond was teaching what was from Earth, not in this world, Arcana.

"A bullet? What is that? Was it like a ball?" Anna asked.

Raymond made a "ting" sound and pointed at Anna.

"It can be a ball, but not a ball, but a sphere. However, there were plenty of shapes this bullet could take. It could be this pointy," Raymond imitated the shape of different shapes of bullets with his hand.

After a few seconds, it didn't give them enlightenment. Instead, they were only confused.

"I can't imagine it, Raymond." Arthur complained.

"Yeah, dumbass! It is not like that! Explain it more!"

Raymond grumbled as he spoke the next words, "Ugh! Nevermind! It is called "guns." When you use it, it shoots a bullet at extreme speed, and you know, it makes a loud thundering sound. Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Raymond imitated the thunderous sound of a gunshot. The three of them flinched at the surprise of the sudden sound and then laughed it off.

Anna pushed Raymon's shoulder and Arthur kicked Raymond. Meanwhile, Sefreid didn't do anything and just went with the laughter.

"What was that, Raymond?" Anna asked in an unstable tone.

"That was the sound of a gunshot. It is so loud that it makes you scream whenever you hear it." Raymond said this with a beaming face and smiling eyes.

"That was the sound of a gunshot?" Sefreid asked.

"Ah... Again? I already said it was a gunshot!"


Raymond was meditating in a meditative pose, feeling some of the breath he had released. What he was currently doing was feeling the mana in the environment. Even with this method, however, he was unable to add another one to his MP.

But, this method was effective because, in some of his memories, he discovered that this was his method of raising his MP after awakening. If he could do it after an awakening, it wouldn't be impossible before the awakening.

However, the chances were slim. But, he still did it, and as luck was on his side, he succeeded, but only on a smaller scale.


Name: Raymond (Commoner)

Lv: Unawakened (Commoner)

Stats: Locked (Commoner)

Talent: Unawakened (Commoner)

Skill: Unwakened (Commoner)

Hidden Stats:

HP: Undetermined

MP: 2/2 (Primary)

STR: Undetermined

SPD: Undetermined

INT: Undetermined (Connected with MP)


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