Howl to the moon

"AAAAND OUT! FUCKING FINALLY" Alex wheezed, carelessly dropping the knocked out Sebastian on the fresh snow right outside of the cabin while he gently set down Angela. He placed his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"Fuck! I hate exercise! I'm never doing anything athletic after this in my life!" he complained.

"Alex" Bianca called, leaning heavily against a nearby tree, she tried to walk towards him but the second she let go of her sustain, she fell "W-where... where is Shane?"

"Still inside, Imma get him right now, don't worry, just sit tight I'll be right back" but just as he tried to get back inside from the door he came out of, he found it locked "What the fuck?!" he tried to pull harder, but to no avail "Fuck it, I'll just use the ladder" he sprinted inside the cabin, trying the trapdoor, but finding that locked as well.

"What the fuck is going on!? Why are they locked!?" he ran back outside, trying the door again.

"W... what's happening?" Angela asked, terrif
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