Chapter 99: Outsmarting A Stalker

“Are you trying to say that his act of tying you to that particular tree is only for a show? That both of you had an agreement about what should happen so that Detective Deib Anchorman can easily infiltrate the City Reserves and bring me to where Allen Mar is?” Well suspected. Meanwhile, Binsent Anchorman was amazed about how fast Well was able to form the entire puzzle. It should have been a difficult one to puzzle up.

“Exactly, yes. I am also the reason why my twin brother was able to identify all the secret doors– including the tunnel where you passed through.” The taxicab driver started the engine again. “I bet we can still talk while driving? Because if I got it right, you are in a hurry, aren’t you?” the taxicab driver snorted.

“Yeah, right. Please go on. And please make it faster to compensate to the delay that we had because of me,” Well answered in quite a bit shy manner. He rolled down the window on his side and then had himself a sniff of the fresh air of the mysterious a
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