I Am He Who Stands Between You And Annihilation

After the cyclops has all risen, Aleric hid them in the shadows. It's been two weeks since he came to the forest and he has gotten better at using his necromancy. He can only resurrect creatures killed by him, his golem, or his undead. Also, after the resurrection, they decrease in level, thereby not being as strong as they were when they were alive. Also, there are levels of creatures he wouldn't be able to resurrect. And if he didn't resurrect what he killed after three hours, he would never be able to resurrect them again. He is just a step away from becoming a 7th-class warrior mage and he needs to get to it before he would go to challenge the strongest creature in the forest. He is confident he would kill the beast as he is now, but he is not certain he would be able to resurrect it after killing it. So he needs to increase his class before going to challenge it.

"I don't have much time." He muttered before venturing into the forest. Aleric has gotten way better at fighting and t
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