Chapter 9: Meeting

Wales is a small town quite far from the central city. When people want to go to the city, they either have their car to drive themselves or take a taxi, but the means that people most often choose is the bus. On the road at this time, there is very little traffic, because it is not the main road to go into the city, so the traffic here is quite sparse, except in the morning when everyone rushes to work. On this road, it is quite deserted, usually only a few cars or taxis pass by.

Walking for about fifteen minutes Zoe saw a bus stop, which seemed to be a bus route directly into the big city. Quite a few people were standing there waiting for the car to arrive. Zoe also wants to go to the city to find a job, because he hasn't graduated from high school, and his profile is not clean, so he can only hope to find a manual job like working as a waiter at a restaurant. for example, in a big city where no one knows, the better, he doesn't want anyone to know about his past and what he's been
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