Green tick

Nick's next mission is called Green Tick.

According to Jonny, he can understand that using his visa card does not affect the task that the system gives.

This means that currently, your visa shows a safe status within the specified time frame because it was activated when you arrived in this city, when you are in Torous city, the time on the visa still runs according to the gyroscope. of the clock.

But when Nick leaves this city, it means that his safe visa has stopped, and no longer continues to count, if the above time is left, he can still use it after finishing the mission. required by the system.

In the part of the game rules of this mission are not the same as the original mission, it requires the player to go to the place it specified, then perform the task there.

An hour before the mission starts, the system requires Nick to go to the Gatien area to the east of Torous city where he is staying.

The 'green tick' task will execute there.

This time he would go alone, for William was also busy with his duties, which was a far cry from him.

The initial coincidence was random or perhaps by chance, as each person's assigned quest was different, not by the order of initial participation but by the degree of randomness.

The two of them split up to go on a mission.

Nick, after receiving the shotgun and saying goodbye to Jonny and William, set off alone to the Gatyn region east of the city.

When leaving Torous City, the visa card started to stop counting, his safe time there was more than twenty hours.

The Gatyn region is a colorful swamp, every few steps you can find one or two large puddles of mud, it smells of mud and something thick underneath.

And more specifically, besides him, there is no one present.

Going around here and still not finding any suitable clues for completing the quest made Nick start to worry.

Jonny has gone through more than a hundred missions but he has never done this one, which shows that the game's system has a lot of different missions and especially more than two hundred original missions.

As for the difficulty or easy, the level increases or not, I don't know at all, perhaps the level will change based on the player's ability and weapon.

In the weapon selection when starting without a shotgun, Nick opted for a short spear, this was the first time he used a spear of this type.

He was struggling to learn how to use it, behind him he heard the sound of someone swimming underwater, but when Nick turned around, there was only a black quagmire without a single person.

When Nick approached, the quagmire was still quiet, nothing unusual, he found a dry branch nearby and tried to stir it, but below the surface there was nothing.

According to his previous experience, monsters usually hide in places like the underground or something and attack suddenly, so this time she will actively look for them.

In a place filled with swamps like this, it was only possible that they were hiding under the dirty and stinking mud.

There was still no movement in the water, Nick continued to stir with a stick, until a moment later a bubble appeared below, followed by a thin arm emerging from below to catch his branch. older brother.

Only then did Nick let go of the branch, taking a few steps back on guard, he took a spear from his inventory and pointed the tip of the spear in the direction of the swamp.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the monster began to emerge from the water, its body was covered with a layer of slime, forming a protective film.

The monster's face was like a crocodile, the skin was covered with rough patches, and the eyes were bloodshot like a real demon staring at him.

Nick had just loaded the shotgun into the shotgun, with his other hand firmly holding his spear, he pressed the button on the top to form a sharp spear point towards the monster.

This monster was really stubborn, not only was it not afraid of his spear, but it also aggressively stepped out of the filthy mud and headed towards him.

"Very good." Nick smiled as he wished: "Quickly come here."

The more he stepped back, the more aggressive the monster moved toward him, when the distance between the two got closer, Nick immediately pierced the monster's body with a spear, quickly and decisively without a superfluous movement, very different. compared to the original's Nick when he first started the mission.

The dominant blood of the demon Wondermor in his body gradually awakened, causing him to consider destroying monsters as his pleasure.

The monster, after being pierced by the spear, instantly disappeared into the void and dropped a very strange item.

After putting it into the review system, Nick realized it was an accompanying item, which means he can use it to open a mysterious box, inside maybe ammo or something of little help.

When the system announced that the item could be opened now, Nick immediately pressed the open button, the item turned into a large chest, then a light appeared and immediately turned into a mysterious black bag. hidden.

He reached out his hand to take it and opened it, inside was a small sword used for self-defense, he thought it was lucky and put it in his equipment bag.

But the task is not complete yet.

Nick began to continue his search to complete the quest, he hunted the swamps here one by one, choosing the places with the highest probability of monsters hiding.

Suddenly Nick heard a loud noise behind him as he bent over to inspect a nearby swamp.

On reflex Nick quickly turned in the direction of the strange sound, there was still nothing behind him but the cold, murky wind here.

He was used to this intimidation, considered a little experienced, and did not panic or worry like the first time.

At that time, he only had a small gun and a few small bullets, so he was worried, now the weapon was so full that Nick was not only not afraid but also excited to attack.

"Get out of here!" He shouted loudly.

After that shout of his was a growl like that of a giant animal, slowly crawling out of a thicket of grass a giant iguana, but looking at its bloodshot eyes it was not just ordinary momentum.

Is the devil.

The devil's defining feature is his red eyes, like the blood of vampires or other demons, this is a genetic trait that has existed for many generations.

Even though his eyes are opaque red and blue, normally people will see blue, but when Wondermor's color flow rises in his heart, it turns his eyes red.

"I smell your blood." The monster's low, a hoarse voice rang out as soon as it appeared, it said again: "The blood of rulers is disgusting."

Nick looked at it slowly approaching him, despite its appearance like an iguana, it emitted a human voice.

"Then help you not smell anymore." As he said that, he swung his spear at the monster, but it had no intention of evading his spear.

It wasn't until the spear stabbed into Nick that he realized that it couldn't dodge because the outer protective skin was too thick, even the sharp spear could not penetrate.

Disgusting, the monster spewed a slimy slime that stuck to his spear so that it couldn't move, the spear sticking to the ground.

Nick used as much force as he could to pull it up, while the monster attacked once again.

He had to give up his spear and hit the monster's dangerous spot, and when it was running proudly, he took out his shotgun and shot it straight in the eye.

It doesn't matter how far Nick is because when he is in the position of leader, there will be a shooting practice every month.

The top leaders must be able to use a gun very well to be able to lead the war, this is the rule in Dealty City.

After aiming fairly accurately at the monster's right eye, it roared for three hours and then ran away, he was about to chase but was busy dodging the mucus it secreted from its mouth, perhaps this was a self-defense weapon.

The monster ran away, he tried to get his spear back, Nick took some water from the bottom of the swamp and tried to splash it on the glue-like place on the spear, but as soon as it touched the water, the slime. instantly disappeared, and the body of the spear when it bounced with slime also disintegrated.

The weapon has been lost, now he only has Jonny's shotgun and a small sword on his body, the ammo of this gun is extremely scarce so it cannot be used in waste.

The system now suddenly pops up a message that makes him want to immediately find and kill the mastermind who created this devilish game.

[Players note, you must complete the quest with your chosen weapon.]

[Players should note, that extra weapons will not count towards completing the quest.]

Nick: "..."

Damn it, did the pervert who created this game have a mental problem after all?

That silly announcement made him so angry that he wanted to immediately destroy this slum, after she got out of here, she would drag her army over the whole world.

Anger could not solve the problem, he had to sit down and slowly think of a way, fortunately, the game did not count, otherwise, he would really destroy it if he had the opportunity to go out.

When the spear bounced, the body was damaged by the monster's mucus, it was no longer considered a spear, but the tip of the spear was still intact.

Nick retracted the tip of the spear, and put it back in his gear bag, telling himself at the crucial moment he would use it as a critical point to complete the required quest.

What he should do now is to find the monster that has broken one eye, the owner needs to find it and everything will be done.

The journey to find the monster was equally arduous, tracing its blood on the road, she came to a valley like the death valley in the legend.

Inside is only a pitch-black color, can't see anything, Nick is a bit faltering, here is a place where monsters grow, if he goes in there, the possibility of finding the other monster is high, but find other children that are equally tall.

Finally, after a moment of hesitation, Nick also decided to go inside, his footsteps getting closer and closer to the door to the valley, and the sound of breathing inside became clearer and clearer.

When he entered, two bloodshot eyes that glowed in the night were fixed on him, causing Nick to stop, not daring to go any further.

"Get out of here," Nick spoke to the monster inside, it was still glued to his red eyes, staring at him, making a huffing sound but didn't respond, didn't move.

He pointed the shotgun at it, loaded it, and said, "Are you going out or do I come in?"

A crisp laugh resounded, echoing from the valley to the outside, suddenly many bloodshot eyes appeared around him.

Nick now realizes he has fallen into their trap, now there must be more than five monsters around him, and the leader of the group is the monster that he just shot out of one eye.

Also, the green tick that the quest requires.

As he'd just been tricked into a monster's trap, Nick angrily raised his gun and shot straight at the oligarch, the sound of gunfire quickly reverberating through the empty valley.

But what he hit just turned into a layer of slimy mud that splashed out, the rest of the monsters didn't show any fear or anything, they still calmly looked at him with their red eyes.

The system gave no message, indicating that he still hadn't killed the monster the quest required.

From the depths of the dark valley came a hoarse scale, and everything moved in an instant.

The monster said: "Kill him!"

The rest of the monsters obeyed its command and began to dive toward him, Nick dodged and used his small sword to attack their eyes, because the outer skin was too thick, so he had no choice.

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