Chapter 10: The souls are scared

"Shh... Shh..."

"Huh... Huh... Huh..."

"It's starting to get irritated..." Dark Crow watched the Co Dinh which was vibrating and said.

Sure enough, ever since the blood was pumped into the Co Dinh, the inanimate object suddenly reacted and glowed with extreme luminosity. Surrounded by countless black auras whirring and scattering overhead, knocking kites like broken bees.

From the surface of that blood and snake venom that suddenly boiled with devotion, something was stirring and bobbing inside the Co Dinh.

At this time, the ancient Co Ding had turned a crimson color, fuming violently, forming a giant crematorium. .Strangely, the blood did not freeze, but on the contrary, before the terrible heat from Co Dinh, each bubble made of black blood shot up into the air, perhaps because it was mixed with the venom of the snake legion that it had change.

At that time suddenly appeared horror arms dyed with black blood, rising from the inside of the top neck trying to swim and struggle. A serie
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