While janette went back to her room pondering on what the King told her, she was so furious ,she was not aware when she fell asleep.

*The next day*

janette was awaken by the rays from the sun which shone brightly on her face. when she looked up she saw it was Stella,

"Stella,what?? I need more sleep please "janette begged Stella

"but my lady,The King has requested you get ready for the arrival of the council."

"What.." janette screamed happily because she will finally be rescued from the claws of this King

Until she recalled what her and the king spoke about.

Janette thought really hard about what The King spoke to her about and concluded that she could not be so selfish and her mood changed instantly.

"The king had also ordered that we dress you up for the arrival of the council " Stella spoke

"oh,is that so. So wonderful of the King to think about me"janette said sarcastically.

"Stella,you can go,I'm not a baby I'm fine with dressing myself . You can continue with whatever you we
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