A talk about the past

(Mona POV)

Akito told us to take shelter and he himself had left for somewhere. We all tried to toe him to the bed with a rope. But that didn’t work. He just broke the rope and left.

I take Ariel and Shizuka and leave. I have already called my father and he sent a car for us.

After getting in, we all heaved a big sigh.

“What was that?” (Ariel)

“Just a normal grenade thrown at Akito.”

“Why would a grenade come flying at him? He is still hiding something.” (Ariel)


I seriously don’t know why does he feel the need to do so. But he isn’t telling us something.

“Where did Ratri go?” (Shizuka)

“Maybe helping the patients. She is a nurse.”

That’s true. That Ratri has some idea about what is happening but she won’t tell us either.

And we reached a safe place. Outside of the city bounds. But this place isn’t too nice.

“This place is too far away and it’s dirty.” (Shizuka)

“I know. This used to be a weapons storage but now this is just an abandoned place. It is intended to be used as
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