04 Choosing class and skills (I)

When Rayan was running, Sarah and her friends were not lagging around, they were doing their best to complete their quest.

Adam and Maïssa were not satisfied at first that Sarah give the leading of the team to Rayan, but Sarah reassured them that Choosing Rayan is the best course of action for now and if worse came to worst and Rayan was a bad leader, they just have to separate.

Hours passed by and Rayan got a system notification that he had received his last free stats. He opened his stats panel and began to distribute his stats points. When his stats reached 100 in each one, he got a system alert.


[Congratulation host Rayan for completing the quest]

[Calculating the rewards]

[Congratulation for being the first one to complete de quest. Rewards will be distributed according to the achievement]

[Congratulation, you can now use the system shop]

[Congratulation for getting 1 ticket to purchase an emperor Rank class]

[Congratulation for getting 10 000 gold coins]

[Congratulation for getting 1 ticket to purchase a legendary skill book]

[Congratulation for getting 1 ticket to purchase a set of common equipment]

[Congratulation for getting 30 health potions]

[Congratulation for getting 30 Mana potions]

[Congratulation for getting 30 stamina potions]

[The rewards have been placed in your inventory space]

Rayan got overjoyed to be the first one to clear the quest and get the rewards. He opened the system shop and selected the class's category. He inspected the various classes and only one caught his eyes, it was an emperor rank class "The emperor magical warrior" a class that can wield the power of magic and be a warrior at the same time.


-The Emperor Magical Warrior-

Rank: Emperor.

Class description:

The emperor magical warrior is a class that can wield the power of magic and be a warrior at the same time. With this class you can learn all the skills books available for mages and warriors and it also grants you all the knowledge necessary to wield all kinds of weapons.

Class bonus:

- Gain double stats points upon leveling up;

- +50% magical and physical damage;

- +100% mana.


When Rayan saw the class description, he was very excited and chose it without hesitation.


[Congratulation for getting a class. You can now use skills and your class specific traits]

[The knowledge specific to your class will be transferred to your brain]

Rayan felt a slight headache by the lot of knowledge being loaded in his brain. When the headache dimed, he checked up his new knowledge and hi was very satisfied. He can now use magic and all the weapon he wants. After that, he checked up his new character panel.


- Rayan -

ID: 89090319

LvL: 0

Class: The Emperor Magical Warrior

Rank: C

Mana: 20000/20000


STR: 100

CON: 100

AGI: 100

INT: 100

WIS: 100

Control: 100

---Active Skills---

fireball [Rank C]

Earth wall [Rank C]

Ice field [Rank C]

Cry of war [Rank C]

Precision Strike [Rank C]

Sprint [Rank C]

---Passive Skills---

Battle Focus [Rank C]

Unassigned points: 0


Rayan was elated to see that he can now use skills after he got his class, and the first thing he did is to try Fire Ball. He cried out the name of the skill, and a fireball the size of a soccer ball appeared above the palm of his hand. And he played with it. It began to bend to his will like it was a part of his limbs. He deactivated the skill and tried the others. It was like a childhood dream that he has fulfilled, he was very excited to use magic.

"These skills are so awesome, I wonder how a legendary skill is?" Ryan thought.

Rayan got a ticket to purchase a legendary skill book from the quest, after seeing what he was capable with basic spells, he wanted to try how a legendary one was. He opened the skill shop and started scrolling through the menu. The legendary skills were all overpowered, but only one caught his interest, it was the elemental summoning skill, it reminded him of an overpowered character that can summon an army of shadow summons in one of his favorite novel. He clicked on the skill to check it.


Elementals summon:

Summon elementals that wield the power of their specific natural element that will fight bay your side. The elemental can be of one of these elements, fire, water, earth, wood, metal, air, ice, lightning, light and darkness. Each elemental type has its own role and specific trait. The number of elementals you can summon depend on how high your control stat is, each 10 points in control stat give you the control of 1 elemental and you need to consume 100 mana points for each summon.


'This skill is like having additional teammates, it will be a great help to me, especially when I will face a strong or several opponents' Rayan thought and chose to purchase the skill.

When he learned the skill, Rayan felt a slight headache again by the knowledge transfer. When the headache dimmed, hi tried it.

Rayan Thought about the type and the number of elementals he wants to summon and shouted "Summon" a magical circle appeared before him and an ice elemental materialized.

The Ice elemental was 1.50 meter tall with a blue, slim and translucent body with some ice spikes coming out from it.

Rayan marveled about His new subordinate. He was so excited, he wanted to try his skills.

"Use ice arrow on that tree." Rayan ordered his ice elemental.

The ice elemental put his hands forward and summoned a magic circle and an arrow was shot towards the tree, when the arrow hit the tree, it chopped it down with a single blow and continued to go through several other trees and frizzed their environment.

Rayan was shocked by the power of his ice elemental, it was overpowered. He wanted to try his other summons, but he was scared to destroy the forest…

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