
Nao: “Huh, yes. You want me to recount what happened?”



Strength: 20

Endurance: 23

Intelligence: 14

Charisma: 10

Agility: 18

Holy, he’s way above my level. I…can’t get away from this.

Sever: “Good, you know how this goes. Do it.”

Nao: “Well he…beat me up behind the school and then left with his friends. I never saw him after that.”

Sever: “You look fine despite being beaten up by 3 people.”

Nao: “I heal fast and my sister told them not to hit my face or anywhere noticeable. So most of the damage is scattered around my body.”

Sever: “I see, mind if I look?”

Nao: “Maybe not in the middle of the street. People might think you’re a…you know…”

Sever: “…Agreed. Don’t worry, you’re not a suspect anyway. Have a nice day.”

The man walked away and life returned to my face. I hope he sees my fear as a reason to not suspect me. My small figure might have helped this time. No one would expect that someone like me could kill three 6-foot seniors.

Wait a minute, what about today? People are bound to know I beat up three 6-foot seniors. If that guy finds out maybe he’ll start suspecting me!

I breathe in the cold air and try to put it out of my mind. Worrying now won’t solve anything. Let’s go home.

Nell: “Hey Nao, welcome home.”

Nao: “Hey mom, is Alyson home yet?”

Nell: “Yeah, I guess she didn’t have any after-school activities today.”

Nao: “Good, I wouldn’t want the guest to shock her.”

Nell: “Oh, am I finally going to meet your friends.”

Nao: “Yeah, let’s have a feast today. I’m in a huh… good enough mood.”

Nell: “Wonderful, I start cooking even more for the guest. How many will there be.”

Nao: “Four.”

Nell: “You really outdid yourself. It’s amazing how much things can change in just a few days.”

You have no idea.

Nell: “Can you tell Alyson the news so she’ll know what to expect.”

Again with the lion’s den?

Nao: “*Sigh*, sure mom.”

I put my stuff away, get into comfortable clothes and knock on Alyson’s door.

Nao: “Mom wanted to let you know that we’re having guests today. Will you come down for dinner with us?”

The door opens and without warning, I’m pulled into the room by Alyson.

Nao: “What the hell.”

Alyson: “Is it true?”

Nao: “What is?”

Alyson: “Don’t play dumb, beating those bullies? Is it true?”

Nao: “…As a matter of fact it is. Why? Scared of your little brother now?”

Alyson: “You’re the one who should be scared. Anton is missing and you want to stir up more trouble? This is going beyond our little issues with each other.”

Nao: “Is that concern I hear sister? It’s unbecoming.”

Alyson: “Seriously, where did you get that tongue from?”

Nao: “I used to be like this remember? I just regain my confidence.”

Alyson: “*Sigh*”

Alyson: “…Why won’t you just stay in your lane like everyone else? You’re going to get yourself killed.”

Nao: “….Someone has to stand up against this terrible system. If it has to be me…then so be it. None of this would have to happen if you at least removed that Black List.”

Nao: “Remove me and my friends from it.”

Alyson: “Listen, I’m not a monster despite what you may think. I don’t like the whole Black List idea either.”

Nao: “Then-”

Alyson: “But there’s a good reason for it being there. I won’t change what’s been established.”

Nao: “Yet you’re fine with putting me on there.”

Alyson: “You started it with that childish prank! Besides you know what you have to do to get out of it.”

Nao: “Never, especially not now.”

Alyson: “…Then I hope you improve fast because you’re the only one that’s going to protect your friends. I won’t put my position at risk to do it.

Nao: “…Fine.”

I turn to leave the room but leave one last sentiment I’ve been holding in.

Nao: “You’re no better than those bullies I beat today. Try not to end up like them.”

Alyson: “…”

I go back to my room and exercise the stress away until the group comes here.


Points: 21

That’s more than I ever had. Time to spend.

Arc: “I would suggest you do that after dinner. There’s one more mission for you that requires all your attention.”

Nao: “Okay, I guess I-”

*Knock* *Knock*

Nell: “Nao, your friends are here.”

Nao: “Coming”

I go downstairs to see the group already sitting down at the living room table.

Anthony: “Hey, nice house.”

Mat: “Way better than my house, I’m jelly.”

Nell: “Your friends are a colorful bunch Nao. I need to know how you guys met.”

Anthony: “Well…”

He throws me a worrying glance and I shake my head. I think it’s better for mom to not know about the Black List.”

Anthony: “We met at the library and shared our passion for books.”

Nell: “Wonderful, I’m glad Nao could find someone that likes books as much as he does.”

Mat: “Excuse me mam?”

Nell: “No need for formality, call me Nell.”

Mat: “Nell, is Alyson going to join us?”

Nell: “I sent Nao to ask her. What was her answer Nao?”

Nao: “Well…I don’t think she’ll-”

Alyson: “I’m here.”

Alyson passes me on the stairs and quickly sits next to mom.

Mat: “Wow, seeing the Queen up close.”

Anthony: “Shhhh.”

I take my seat next to mom as well. Me, Mom, Alyson are on one side, and the others sitting across from us.

Nell: “No need to hold back, dig in everyone.”

Mat: “No need to tell me twice.”

We all start eating our food but the awkward silence began to settle in. Maybe I should say someth-

Nell: “So which one of you gave my son those beautiful contacts?”

Oh, I forgot about that. I shoot a quick glance at Anthony.

Anthony: “I did, it was just something I picked for free way back. I didn’t think it would look good on me so I gave it to Nao.”

Alyson: “An unlikely story. How do you just come across free blue eye contacts?”

Anthony: “Well I-”

Alyson: “Stolen?”

Anthony: “What? No!”

Nell: “Alyson, that’s enough.”

Alyson: “…”

Nell: “You don’t look like the type to steal something. I am curious about where you get them but if you don’t want to say it’s fine. You’re guests so lets not ruin your time here.”

Anthony: “T-Thanks.”

Mat: “So hum, how’s your home life Alyson?”

Tallow: “*Slaps face*”

Alyson: “I’m not answering that.”

Nao: “She’s been exercising.”

Alyson: “Nao!”

Nao: “What? There’s no reason to hide that.”

Mat: “*Mumbling lewd thoughts*”

Anthony: “Knock it off.”

Mat: “S-Sorry.”

Nell: “Let’s return to non-combative topics.”

Anthony: “But I am curious as to why Alyson would exercise. Is that why you didn’t come to school?”

Alyson: “I don’t have to answer that.”

Mat: “Ohhh, is there a nau-”

*Anthony elbowing Mat*

Mat: “…A embarrassing reason.”

I see that glance Alyson. Don’t look to me for help.

Alyson: “No, can we talk about something.”

Nell: “I agree, I rather not make Alyson uncomfortable. She rarely eats with me.”

Anthony: “I see, interesting.”

Nao: “Sorry for my friend’s questions mom. She’s a…popular person at school.”

Nell: “Really? I knew she was top of her class and hard-working but this popular? Why did you tell me you were so popular.”

Another glance Alyson? And super angry this time.

Alyson: “I just didn’t want to mention it. I don’t really care about fame that much anyway.”

Nao: “*Cough* Bullshit *Cough*”

Nell: “Are you okay Nao? Did I rush the food? Is it bad?”

Nao: “No mom, you’re food is always good.”

Velo: “Yeah, your food is really good. Seconds?”

We all stop to look at Velo’s empty plate

Mat: “Damn Velo, I didn’t even finish yet.”

Nell: “Haha, of course. Give me a moment.”

Alyson: “Nell, you don’t have to. You made enough food for one day.”

Nell: “Nonsense, we can afford this.”

Alyson: “…”

Anthony: “You call your mom by her name?”

Alyson: “That’s none of your business.”

Anthony: “I could just ask Nao, just tell us the reason.”

Alyson: “Nao doesn’t know everything about me.”

Anthony: “Maybe not everything but perhaps enough to satisfy our curiosity.”

Alyson: “Creepy company you keep Nao.”

Nao: “Shockingly, I have to agree Anthony, there’s no reason to know that info.”

Anthony: “So there is something Nao knows…”

Anthony: “Fine, I won’t pry any further.”

Mat: “But I will, do you have a boyfriend?”

Alyson: “I’m lost my appetite. Good night Nell.”

Nell: “Wait, what?”

Tallow, Nao, Anthony: “Dumb ass.”

Mat: “Come on, I wasn’t the only one thinking it.”

Mom returned from the kitchen and gave Velo his food before setting back down.

Nell: “What happened while I was gone.”

Anthony: “Nothing, she just finished food and went to bed.”

Nell: “…Nao is this true?”

Nao: “…Yes.”

Nell: “Then I’ll believe you. Shame I could spend more time with her but I don’t mind spending more time with my son’s friends.”

Nothing more notable happened. We talked, had fun and finished all the food. Mom seemed to be having fun but there were those times of sadness. I can’t help but feel kind of bad that Alyson left so early.

I should have told Anthony to hold back but maybe this will help our plans.

Arc: “It’s time.”


Invite Them To Stay Over (+1)


Arc: “Trust me, this is vital.”


Nao: “Guys, do you want to stay over for a sleepover?”

Mat: “Really, can we?

We all look to mom for approval.

Nell: “Did you get your parent’s permission?”

Anthony: “I thought this might happen so advised everyone to get permission.”

Nell: “Alright then, I don’t want to take this pleasure from Nao. He never experienced this before.”

Nao: “Thanks mom.”

Mat: “Right on.”

Tallow: “Thank you Nell.”

Velo: “Thanks for the food Nell and for allowing this.”

Anthony: “You’re an amazing host.”

Nell: “You’re all so kind. I’m glad my son made such wonderful friends.”

Yeah, me too.


Points: 22

Nao: “Come on, let’s get to my room.”

And hopefully, get some answers from Arc. We go upstairs and then to my room while trying to not make too much noise. Wouldn’t want Alyson getting mad.

Mat: “What kind of games do you have man?”

Nao: “Well I-”

Tell Them About Magic (+3)


Arc: “For what’s coming you’ll need strong companions watching your back. I’ve deemed them passable for now. Even the strongest mages need help, summons, or friends.”

What are you talking about? You starting to become cryptic again, what’s coming? Are you talking about Sever and the bullies?

Arc: “That’s just one minor problem the rest…is classified.”

How would they even react?

Anthony: “Nao?”

These are my first friends I don’t want to drive them away.

Arc: “Do it.”

Tell Them About Magic (+5)


Anthony: “Nao, what’s wrong?”

Mat: “Yeah, you standing there in shadows is creeping me out.”

Nao: “Guys, I have a confession to make.”

I turn my necklace into book form which lights the room in blue light. I use minor illusion to really sell the reveal. Lights and smoke everywhere to make me look like something out of a fairy tale.

Nao: “I’m a mage.”


Points: 27

Nao’s Current Stats and Spells:

Strength: 12

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 12

Charisma: 8

Agility: 8

Magic: 11


Scan [Active]

Minor Illusion [Active]

Magic Missile

Control Water

Acid Blast

Shape Shift [Active]

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