
    “No! It's time to kill you!” Steel Man said loudly, then he levitate out of the ground in speed, his eyes was glowing blue this time, his hand were turned to fists, his cape and hair was dancing accordingly to the music of the wind. “You’re done with yours, now it's my turn!” Steel Man said and Rasha Smiled Sarcastically.

    Steel Man Instantly rushed at her and before she was able to see him, a punch successfully landed on her face, it took her up a bit flying her backwardly, Steel Man speed forward to her again and gave her another punch which pushed her further in mid air again, Steel Man speed towards her again and in that process, he was landing multiple punch at Rasha’s chest that was widely opened, while she was just going further by the force of the punch. “Nooooooo!!!!!” She yelled loudly and finally Steel Man landed his last punch on her chest as she moved further and crashed into a large rubbles, while Steel Man fell on the Floor exhausted, then He gave a sigh of relief, “First Target!” He said

    The rubbles immediately shattered, and Rasha flew out of it, in a blink of an eye, she was already closed to Steel Man, “Huh?” Steel Man was surprised, and slash!! Rasha gave him a cut on his chest which splashed out bloods and revealing his inner body. “Arhhhh!!!” He yelled and fell on the floor groaning badly in pains. “Hahah! I'm invincible” She said maniacally, pointing the swords that was covered with Steel Man’s bloods towards Steel Man!

    “What have the Universe done to the Tayrionites?” He asked in pains, as bloods continue dropping down from his chest to the ground.

    “Nothing! You guys can't have much existence than us! That's all!” Rasha replied.

    “That’s act of Jealousy and wickedness! I promise to take all the Tayrionites out of existence either!” Steel Man stated slowly and weakly.

    “Darling, is okay!” Rasha said and gave Steel Man a kick at his face which took him to the ground flat, she then stabbed him at his chest again as Steel Man screamed loudly... “Arhhhhh!!!!” but Rasha was ignorant, just smiling devilishly. She drew her sword out and fabricated her swords, back to her hands. “time to leave!” Rasha concluded and Puff! She Zoomed Into the sky via her thrusters. While Steel Man weakly Blacked out...

    °Universe 10, Analiant Galaxy°

    Planet Multrox.

    The sky was yellow in color, and was clothed with the red cloud, and the blue sun at the left side of the sky. Suddenly, the sky opened and a female figure speed down and landed with a doom on the ground, as it created craters around. The lady revealed to be Rasha, she have finally arrived in her planet after traveling for a while. She arrived near a vast glass and steel wall building having a sharp edged, this was the only thing in this mammoth area. She smirked and walked forward to the building, everywhere was closed but she passed into the building via intangibility. The building was the home of the ruler of all Tayrionites, not only the ruler though... The soldiers, chiefs and many more where living here, and it was known as ‘The Detoriod°

    °Inside the Detoriod, First Floor°

    Many Tayrionites were here, they're all dressed in Machine suits, but some were possessing the same type of suits; a black and yellow suits. They were all standing around closed to the walls and were the Soldiers of Detoriod. At the middle edge wall, a large silver machine throne that's tall about 17 fts was occupied by a tall man who was also cladded in black and red machine suit, his suit was the most advance suit among everyone in Detoriod, He was the General and was called General Zakrond. 

    Four thrones were also at his sides each, they were occupied by eight men, who were the assistant Generals in Detoriod. They were cladded in different types and color of suits, but they were all having the black color in their suits... This were the only people around here for now!

    Suddenly, Rasha arrived in near the wall in front of everybody, via her intangibility. She walked forward to the King, and as she got closer, she gave a bow to All the General around saying “Greetings Generals” and then raised her head.

    “How did you do it? Do you successfully destroyed the existing Planets?” General Zakrond asked, he was eagerly to know everything that happened.

    “Well! I succeeded in destroying a city, and as I tried to destroy another, I found a human with supernatural abilities. He tried to fight me but I killed him.” She explained.

    “I trust you Rasha! That's why I said you should go for the mission!” General Zakrond said with a Smile and Rasha also smile as all the Generals Smiled except the Soldiers. “But wait! Why did you stop the destruction? Why don’t you just destroy the full planet before coming back?” He asked 

    “Don’t Worry General, I’ll continue next time, and anyone who comes on my way, will be taken out of existence!” Rasha stated with a smile.

    “Okay! It's fine. You can go!” General Zakrond concluded and Rasha walked away...

    °Universe 01, Galaxy 11°

    Planet Earth, Apex City.

    Rickster, 4:19pm

   On an alley some set of boys; five in numbers, were seen walking towards the another alley. They were cladded in different types of clothes, and as they were strolling, they were discussing and laughing.

“The day I met that dude! I was unable to frown, his head is like a hammer” one of them said and they all burst Into loud laughter. Which made people at the sides of the road to look at them.

Whoosh!!! A blue and white figure suddenly passed them in great speed; the speed of light. They turned and could not found anybody, only the dust and dirt on the floor that rushed up by the speed of the figure.

“Huh? What's that?” They chorused...

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