Chapter 4

The black-haired man watched the soldiers who were ready to go to their location on duty.  A strong desire to follow one of the three parties bubbled up in his mind, but he couldn't possibly do so. It wasn't that he was afraid of being punished by his uncle, but that he couldn't go out at night.

Deep in his heart, of course, Andres was afraid and worried. At night, the security around the kingdom is tightened. He wasn't afraid of the royal soldiers, just that he was afraid of not being able to take care of himself out there. At night, there are many cases of robbery and theft. Moreover, with his handsome face, surely he will be targeted and kidnapped by the fox demon. Not that Andres thought he was the most handsome in this country, but that was the truth. During the day when many people are active, he is often teased and seduced, how about at night?

Andres never went to the palace at night. He was curious, what kind of atmosphere in this country at nightfall? What he often hears from the residents is that various kinds of entertainment are presented to entertain those who are tired after a day of working in the fields or gardens.

Maybe one day he can feel the beauty of this country at night, but Andres doubts. If he was made king, the more difficult it would be for him to get out of the palace. Even if he went, he would be escorted by dozens of soldiers. Hah, his life is suffocating.

At least, he should be grateful, because his uncle allowed him to went the palace during the day. The struggle was very hard, he seduced his uncle for ten days and finally, his uncle allowed, but gave him a condition, he must win against Anthoni in a battle using the sword. Because of the strong burning determination and the feeling of bubbling in the chest wanting to breathe the cool air outside the palace. Andres agreed and before fighting, he threatened Anthoni not to play games in attacking him. They fought desperately from morning to night only witnessed by his uncle, Almeta, and Joe. Finally, Andres won, his body and Anthoni were both covered with wounds.

After that day, Andres was lazy to practice the sword. Because for what? He has proven to be able to defeat Anthoni who has been recognized by the great teachers for his swordsmanship. Maybe at that time, Andres was just lucky and of course, he didn't want to have to go back to fighting with Anthoni who was getting more and more crazy about swordsmanship and other martial arts that he mastered.

Andres's brown eyes scanned his surroundings. The sound of frogs and crickets forms a group choir accidentally, the night sky is dotted with twinkling stars, and the full moon that shows its beauty accompanies Andres who is hiding behind a shady tree. This place was far from the palace he lived in.

Andres stared at the departing soldiers with an unreadable gaze. May they bring glad tidings that please the citizens, not the sorrow that will shroud the palace at the loss of another member of the army that has been painstakingly recruited. Because the participation of young men in this country to become palace soldiers is very low. Even though the palace had made very easy requirements for registration and was given a high salary. Plus a quarter of Grassland residents are immigrants who only aim to open a business in this country and only a few want to become citizens of Grassland.

Andres looked at the moon that was shining brightly. He was waiting for the arrival of a person or two whom he predicted would arrive in a moment. After realizing he wasn't in his residence.

Andres put on a black mask to cover his entire face with strings tied to his ears. The mask had no face shape, just a plain black mask. There are two holes in the nose for him to breathe.

"Crown Prince." Three maids bowed to Andres who was standing under a tree.

"Don't tell anyone that I'm here," Andres said in a fake threatening tone but managed to make the three maids stiffen.

"Alright, Crown Prince." After that, the three immediately walked away from Andres and promised to keep their mouths shut.

Andres looked at the three maids who looked like they had seen a ghost. He snorted. It didn't matter if his uncle knew he was there, it was just that he was lazy to listen to his uncle's advice.

His uncle would not punish him just because he sneaked secretly from his residence into the royal warrior base. It would be different if he pretended to be a soldier and joined one of the three troop soldiers. That is if he is not caught by Wildan. The security minister had very sharp eyes. Even though he had changed his appearance in such a way, Wildan could recognize him.

"Crown Prince." A shrill scream pierced the silence of the night. There was no need to bother turning around or looking for the source of the voice because soon the owner of the voice would arrive in front of him panting for breath.

Andres folded his arms in front of his chest with his eyes staring at Anthoni flatly. "Look over there." Andres pointed at the soldiers' base which was pitch black a sign that no one was there. "They're gone. Do you think I came here because I wanted to follow them?" He did not accept Anthoni's accusations. Although the accusation was almost true if Andres had not changed his mind.

Anthoni narrowed his eyes, suspicious. He doubted Andres' words. Because he remembers this afternoon Andres invited him and Almeta to secretly follow the soldiers with a serious tone of voice accompanied by an excited face wanting to run away from the palace. "Then why did you come here?"

"Just wanted to monitor." Andres glanced at the bushes that were moving warily after waiting for ten seconds and what came out was a weasel biting a big mouse in its mouth.

"Anthoni. Have you found the crown prince?"  Almeta shouted somewhere.

Andres annoyed. Almeta is very noisy, screaming in the middle of this silent night that can make all the inhabitants of the palace hear her voice and make them out of their beds to join in the search for her whereabouts. The two of his friends were too much.

"Where I expected," Anthoni shouted back as loud as he could so that Almeta, who was somewhere else, could hear him.

Andres scratched his itchy ear. "I want to sleep."

Anthoni immediately intercepted Andres' hand, which he had been struggling to find.  "Just a moment. Wait for Almeta. I and Almeta will take you to make sure you are safe."

Andrew chuckled. "Does anyone dare to attack me in the palace?"

Anthoni looked deeply at Andres. "We must always be vigilant because we cannot read other people's minds."

Andres laughed. "You're really funny, Anthon. If anyone wants to kill me, Belanca's or Veloxa's messenger owl will come to tell us."

Anthoni wore a serious face with his hands holding the tip of the sword slung beside his waist. He always carried a sword with him wherever he went. "I know, but we must always be vigilant."

Andres took a deep breath. "Yeah, I understand that."

"Crown Prince! Anthoni!" Almeta run faster when her eyes caught the figure of Andres and Anthoni standing under a tree.

"You run as fast as a horse." Andres looked at Almeta who was gasping for air while supporting her body by placing her hands on her knees. Almeta looked up and then looked at Andres fiercely. "Are you praising or mocking me?"

"Praise. Really." Andres walks. "I want to sleep. You guys sleep."

Anthoni grabbed Andres' hand, again. "I told you. Almeta and I will take you."

"Right." Almeta immediately stood up straight. Don't care about her legs screaming from exhaustion after running around the vast palace.

Andres took a deep breath. "Okay, okay." Andrew gave up. The three of them walked side by side with Andres who was in the middle.

"What do you guys think," Anthoni and Almeta were surprised to see Andres who was still wearing a mask. "Is it necessary to add members?"

"Are we not enough?" asked Anthoni.

Andres was silent for a moment. "Just ... I have a feeling the situation is going to get worse."

"Hopefully that's just your hunch." Almeta calms Andres down.

"Don't worry, we'll sort it out as usual." Anthoni convinced Andres.

Andres took a deep breath. His heart is restless, hopefully, this problem will be resolved soon.

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