Chapter. 5. Timmy and Orange Cat's Favorite Toy   

I used to think that Memória's words about the memories of all living things being eliminated were only humans. In fact, I misunderstood the words of the five-winged creature. It turned out that apart from humans I was also dealing with other creatures. 

Now I'm sitting cross-legged, supporting my face with both hands facing a Golden Retriever sticking out its tongue. Somehow I feel this dog is smiling at me? Around the Golden Retriever's neck is a necklace with a round pendulum inscribed with a name, namely; Max. A sweet aroma wafted from the dog's body. I chuckled as I brushed my hair. 

“Damn it, you Memória!” I cursed while tilting my head talking to the sky. 

"So, what memories do you want to erase, Max?" I asked Max the Golden Retriever.

Max wagged his golden feathered tail. Strangely, the dog seems to know who I am and it seems he understands what I'm saying or maybe I'm out of my mind talking to a dog. The dog got up and approached me. He walked around twisting his body around mine while still wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue. As if forcing me to erase his memories. Then Max sat down across from me again. 

I stroked Max's head and ruffled his neck hair. Max seemed to enjoy what I did to him. 

"Hey Buddy, what kind of memories do you want to get rid of, hm?" I asked, "It's strange that you know who I am." Max barked. 

He licked my palm. Then the dog lay down, aligned its front paws and then lowered its head showing me pitiful eyes. 

"What do those sad eyes of yours mean, Max? Your request or permission to erase your memories?"

"Wuf!" Max barked. 

I smiled and shook my head. "I'm not in the right mind talking to dogs." 

"All right, Max!" Max got up but was still in an upright sitting position. 

I raised my left front leg. I didn't bite Max because I didn't want Max's hair to stick to my mouth, but to draw blood I slashed his palm a little. Max sighed, "Sorry Max. This is what I have to do to get your blood out." 

I slowly sucked Max's blood. Max suddenly fell unconscious. While I stood still waiting for Max's flash. At that time Max was still a puppy. He has a toy in the form of a bone-shaped doll that his master gave him as solace because Max was left by his mother. Max really liked the toy. At all times the toy was never far from Max. Even until Max grew up the doll was always carried by him wherever he went like traveling with his master. 

However, one day Max's bone doll wasn't where he used to put it. Max looked for it everywhere. Until he saw his master's son playing with Max's doll. So far, Max has never shared the doll. Not liking his possessions being taken away, Max attacks his master's son. Moreover, the object is very valuable to Max who is considered a substitute for his mother.

When the master finds out Max is punished. He was abandoned by his master for injuring his son. Max is very sad when he finds out he was left in a place he doesn't recognize. For days Max lives in a garbage dump, where he is dumped by his master. 

Until a kind old man came to pick it up and took Max to the old man's house. Max was very happy and sad at the same time. He lost his favorite doll and the pain of being dumped by his former master still lingers. Max wants him to forget his past and live a new life with the old man who saved her. Yes. Alas, it turns out that dogs also have feelings of sadness. 

I burst out laughing after witnessing Max's memories. "Well, Max, Buddy. Go to your new master! Live a new life with him." 

A few days later I think I will meet a human who wants to erase his memories. However, my guess was wrong. I again met an animal that wanted its memories erased. And, the beast is a creature that has its own desires, difficult to obey and high self-esteem. That is an orange cat, thick fur and sitting in the shape of a cadet bun, staring at me intently. 

"Animals again," I grumbled breathlessly. 

"Okay, Puss. What's your problem?" Ah I'm really out of my mind, yesterday talking to dogs, now I'm talking to enemies of dogs–cats. The orange cat just meowed. However, I do not deny that this cat also emits a sweet aroma from its body.

"Okay. Let me taste your blood to erase the memories you don't want." 

Honestly I don't want to do it to an animal because it's a pain to nibble on the fur covered veins. I held the cat. Gently slashed with soft fingernails like jelly candy. I didn't expect the cat to suddenly scratch my hand. 

"Hey! It hurts!" I shouted in surprise. 

The cat jumped off my lap. The cat's blood splattered on the ground. Then the cat hissed with its body arched and its fur standing on end. 

"Damn it! Didn't you ask me to erase your memories!" I snapped at the orange cat's attitude. 

The cat sat licking its front paw which I had cut earlier. I rolled my eyes. Only this time I did not enjoy my job. Then a funny thing happened, something that really pissed me off. The cat approached me and moved back and forth pressed against my body. 

"All right, fine. Here I will erase your memories." 

I grabbed the cat's body. Lift the front leg. The blood was almost dry, so I had to press the wound I made earlier. The cat hissed in pain. But this time he didn't attack me. Seeing him calm, I slowly sucked a little blood. The cat dropped while I was still holding it.

Before the flash came, I laid the cat on my lap. Then the cat was taken to a house. Ah, apparently the orange cat was adopted by a grandmother. Grandma loves the orange cat very much. 

I heard a word that the grandmother used to say to the orange cat, "Timmy, Timmy, come here, boy!" 

Ah, the orange cat is named Timmy. Timmy also loves his grandmother very much. Until he sleeps he is always beside his grandmother. But unfortunately, on autumn day, Timmy's grandmother died of illness. 

After grandma's gone Timmy is neglected. He was always hungry and thirsty. Grandmother's children didn't care. Timmy, who was abandoned, left his grandmother's house. He traveled to another area. 

In another area Timmy turns into a stray cat. He often fights with other cats for food or for territory. Wandering aimlessly made Timmy tired. So he arrived at a house where a husband and wife lived with two teenage children. They are all cat lovers. Every time a stray cat comes, they provide food and drinking water in their yard. They also have two cats and a Labrador as pets in their house. 

Timmy wanted to be in the house. And luckily for Timmy, who every day persuaded them by always sitting quietly in front of their house, made the orange cat adopted by one of the couple's children. However, the memory of losing his grandmother made him afraid to continue his new life. 

"Ah, apparently you want the memory of losing your grandmother to be erased so you're not afraid to move on with your life," I said, stroking Timmy who was fast asleep on my lap. I've had enough of two encounters with animals. Next time there's another case like this, it seems I'll be avoiding the task of eradicating the memories of the beasts.

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