Ambushed By Black Panther

Chapter One Hundred And Nine

Queen Kate’s POV

[Attention Players!]

[Pleased To Announce That We Have Only 34 Players Ready For The Tournament]

[All The Players Ready For The Big Game Have Immortal Abilities,Be Warned ]

[The Game Begins Immediately]

[No Rules]

[Go Wild!]

I looked around trying to warp my head down on what’s going on with the absurd announcement.

Just like that?!

What kind of a lawless game is this? And I thought they said we are going to have some time for some practice before the actual thing.

I’m begging to not trust the Tournament and it’s impromptu announcement. Why would I when the malicious , selfish and scheming Elites are the ones in charge.

The Elites are supposed to be the righteous ones , the ambassadors and representatives of the gods and goddess on earth and the underworld.

The 7 king domes made up of mortals and humans have Ellites except Scars Kingdom, the Kingdom of Kansas that first knew the plans of the Elites and cast them out.

The plans
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