Chapter 33: Hanako's Secret LIES
"I can't believe that Advanced Hashira wipe all out the Dark Mobs, hmph... I guess I should advance too." She said as she jumped off the giant tree branch and looked around.

Suddenly a portal opened from behind her and she got sucked in. There she lost consciousness for a second and she quickly manages to regain it. She looked around as she felt that she was laying on Dark Fluid.

She saw light and lots of light and a throne in the distance. She thought of another throne shouldn't be existing. She sees the overwhelming aura of an unknown that was sitting on the throne.

"So, what's up with the lies? Hanako, you have given a lot of lies and secret lies, I'm the Dark Lord sitting back on my throne, I was just chilling here while Killer Dark is making a move but now he's here, right? Now he's about to report to the Dark King but his dimension coordinates are currently missing so we cannot! Now you got kidnapped by me... I've become strong and we have Domei on our side, the tables have
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