Warning, a freedite

Now the other groups are the OUTCAST. They are the people without talent or the people who left their talent behind. They are the poorest and are treated like trash. The next are the ERUDITES. The scientists, physicians and everything related under science are the Erudites. We have the FARMERS who deals with our growing crops and rearing animals. We have the ENTERTAINERS who has the talent of singing, acting ex cetera. Then lastly, we have our RULERS. The rulers aren't selected during the chosen day, the positions are earned. The highest hierarchy is the supremacy power. The Supremes are the most powerful rulers of Sirenna but no one knows who they are, how they are, or what they look like. All we know is that they are ten supreme lords, who rules us. They have never shown themselves.

I sat down alongside Elena and Liya as more young adults together with their parents kept trooping in, filling up the empty seats. The leaders of each groups sat down at the podium with each holding a bowl of water. I have never seen how talents are been chosen, so seeing the bowls on their hands is really confusing.

In no time, the large hall was filled with people from every corners and places and provinces and sections of Sirenna.

The Chief president of Sirenna walked to the podium dressed in a black suit, looking all elegant and classy that I couldn't help but admire her. She walked with so much grace and boldness, holding a file with her as she kept waving at the rulers who welcomed her. Her smile was so beautiful and bright. She stopped in front of the mic and looked at us. 

        "Young people of Sirenna, you are about to move into another stage of life after this moment. This day is gonna determine your lives and futures in Sirenna. Some of you will be chosen as Staunchers, some as Creators, some as councillors, some as Erudites, some as Farmers and some as Entertainers. Each groups are as important as the other in Sirenna. We value every citizens and every talent. You young people are gonna be among the society and a lot of things will come your way, I wouldn't lie about that. You will get to know the full meaning of life and how it can be. You are the future of Sirenna. This great world is now in your hands, choose to handle it with care." she said earning an applaud from all of us.

        "President Juanita is so cool." Elena said clapping her hands, while smiling at the woman standing on the podium.

        "Yes you are right, she is so cool." I replied not taking my eyes off her. She really is cool and outspoken. I am beginning to like her.

She walked down the podium to her seat and sat down. A man in his middle thirties walked up to the podium and adjusted the mic to his mouth level. 

        "I am the vice president and will be the coordinator today. Without much been said, let the selection begin." he said and a cheer came from the crowd. My heart almost left my chest as I searched around for my father but couldn't find him.

I closed my eyes, remembering what he said to trust him and keep my eyes and ears opened. 

        "All will go well." I said lowly as I took a deep breathe and opened my eyes. 

The hall was quiet as everyone waited for their names to be called. The first name was called, and a young girl walked up to the podium. She picked up the knife placed on a robotic machine and slit her hands with a loud cry escaping her lips. She placed her bloodied hand on the machine and a red light stoned on her. After a few seconds, it turned green and the robot declared her a creator, earning a loud cheer from the Creators present. She smiled and joined her new group.

The second person was called up, the third and more names were called to the stage with each getting a talent. The fifty eighth boy was called and he did as others did and placed his hand on the robot, which stoned blue instead of red. 

        "A freedite. Warning, a Freedite." the robot said.

        "No, no, I am not a freedite. There must be a mistake." He protested as some Staunchers came to take him away. "No please, I am not a freedite." he cried out. "Mother, Father, help meeee."

Seeing how he was dragged out only made me more worried as my father haven't come in yet. I will surely end up like that boy been dragged out. I am a freedite too.

        "Why are you sweating so much?" Liya whispered into my ear.

        "Not....... nothing." I replied and forced out a smile. I am losing it. I clutched my purse tightly as more sweat kept dripping down my face. This is the end for me.

My heart was beating faster then normal and I was panting heavily as I tried controlling myself from shouting out loud due to anxiety. I was almost giving up when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked back and felt a surge of hope rushing through my blood. I heaved a sigh of relieve and closed my eyes trying to forget the thought of getting killed.

        My dad smiled lightly at me and touched my forehead. "Your fever tends to be going higher. Are you sure you can stand it?" he asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, confused at what he said. Those seating close to us, were now looking at us. 

        "Don't worry dear, I brought you a medicine." he said and nodded at me. He brought out a red pill and gave it to me.

He said something about a pill at home, I guess this is it. Whatever it is will surely be of help since father said so.

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