Quella Comes Out of Her Room

Knock! Knock! Knock!

As usual, Alexander knocked on Quella's door every morning to check on his daughter's condition. Kenneth opened the door because Quella was still sleeping at that time.

“Why is Quella still sleeping at this hour? Is Quella sick?" Alexander asks Kenneth how Quella is.

"No, sir. Quella is fine."

"Did you sleep next to her last night?"

"Not. I sleep on the floor.”

"Good. You have to remember our agreement, you can't sleep in the same bed with Quella, you can't have sex with her either. Because if you break the agreement, then I won't give you any money."

"You don't have to worry, sir. I will not break the agreement.”

"Good, that's what I expected. Now come out, you must clear the grass in my yard with the other gardeners. Don't just laze around here because I also feed you every day."

Kenneth gulped when he received such insult from Alexander, but he couldn't argue. So, Kenneth came out of Quella's room and went to the side yard.

A gardener gives Kenneth a lawn mower
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