Chapter 7: A New Thing

"Charun, it looks like you have an advantage. The advantages are different from the other children," said Hermes to Charun.

Charun was very confused by what his teacher said. He did not understand what advantages Hermes meant.

"What kind of advantages do you mean sir?"

“You can see things that other children can't. Your mind's eyes are open, Charun," Hermes said to his student.

"Inner eye? What is it sir?" asked Charun not understanding.

Charun still doesn't understand what the mind's eye is and what it means when it's open. It's only natural that he doesn't understand this because he's still a child. In fact, he also did not realize when he had these advantages.

Hearing Charun question about the inner eye, Hermes tried to explain it slowly until Charun understood about it.

"Do you understand my explanation earlier?" said hermes asked.

"I understand very well sir," replied Charun nodding.

Charun is very easy to understand in every explanation given by hermes. Hermes arranged his words very neatly and easily understood by children.

An open mind's eye is a rare thing in children and also something that is not easy for the owner to go through.

After listening to Hermes' explanation, Charun tried to think for a moment about his current state. he is very confused whether to be happy or sad about the advantages he has. Although heremes calls it an advantage, but Charun considers it a burden because the various figures he saw really surprised him and sometimes scared him.

“Sir, should I be happy or sad when I hear that? Mr. Hermes said if this is an excess, but I consider it a burden sir. The ones I saw were terrifying. I'm scared sir," asked Charun.

"You have to get used to seeing them Charun, they are always around us..." Hermes said whose words were cut off.


Bell rings

Hermes' words were cut short by the ringing of the bell. Finally they both returned to class to continue the learning process.

There are so many questions that pop up in Charun's mind right now. he wanted to ask hermes many things about the "inner eye" he had. He was very unfamiliar with the word. even so, he could understand hermes explanation very well.

During class learning, the concentration of Charun is divided by the word "inner eye" and all its advantages. Usually, he often answers questions posed by his teacher. But this time, he just kept quiet and didn't focus on the lesson being delivered.

Hermes often called Charun because he often saw him daydreaming and not paying attention to the explanations given by him.

“Charun, can you join my class?” Hermes warned.

Hermes had warned Charun many times to focus on his studies. However, Charun only replied 'yes sir' and 'sorry sir', but kept repeating the same mistakes.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry," replied Charun.

“You have repeated that answer over and over again. Can this confirm your final answer?” asked hermes to be sure.

Even though Hermes loves Charun very much, but when something goes wrong with his student, he will act decisively and warn him.

Charun didn't act like this normally. Usually he is the most active and enthusiastic student when learning takes place.

Although Charun is a smart person and likes to learn, but when he has a problem he will think about it until the problem is completely solved. that is one of the weaknesses contained in Charun. He will continue to drag on a problem that is befalling him.

"Yes sir, I'm very sorry," said Charun pleading.

After hearing an apology from Charun, Hermes forgave him and then continued the learning process in the classroom.

After class was over, Charun immediately packed up his things to go home. If he usually goes home last among his friends. But this time, he really wanted to go home as soon as possible to be able to calm his mind at home.

Hermes who saw Charun pass in front of him immediately followed Charun's footsteps. But when Hermes chases after him, he loses track of Charun.

There's a lot that Hermes wants to explain to Charun at this point. He doesn't want Charun to keep thinking about his strengths, which can also interfere with his activities.

"He's gone, where is his house?" Hermes asked himself.

Hermes really wanted to approach Charun at this time, but he didn't know where Charun was now and where his home address was. Hermes was very worried about Charun's whereabouts right now.

When Hermes was on his way home, suddenly his mind called. Someone called him and wanted to communicate with him.

After he recognized the call, he recognized that it was Thanatos who called him. There are things that need to be done by both of them, of course it has something to do with their duties.

After a while hearing the call, finally a winged figure was on the left of Hermes. Hermes was very surprised by the existence of his friend.

“Thanatos, why did you want to see me?” hermes asked.

"We have work to do. This afternoon at the hospital, someone is about to die from a tumor. I'll take you to the hospital this afternoon. I hope you can get ready earlier," Thanatos explained.

"Okay thanatos," Hermes agreed.

As usual, thanatos and hermes returned to their duties. This afternoon, the two of them headed to one of the hospitals in Tokyo because there was someone who would die in the hospital this afternoon.

On the other hand, Charun is still silent in his room. Currently, he is searching the internet for the inner eye and all things related to it.

After reading several articles on the internet, he increasingly understands the inner eye and its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, he was able to accept the advantages well. But right now he was very confused about the advantages he had.

"What should I do with my strengths. Can I use it to help other people? or I can't use this advantage at all," said Charun who was still arguing with his thoughts.

After he thought hard about his “inner eye”, he finally decided to sleep to be able to calm his mind. He would return to find out about it to Hermes the next day.

However, Charun still feels guilty with Hermes for his lack of focus during the learning process in today's class. He will also apologize to Hermes again for the wrong he has done today.

"I will again ask about this to Mr. Hermes," said Charun.

"But I will also apologize again for my mistake today," continued Charun.

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