Snista's abnormal behaviour

Altaf's home is SA Development Co. One of them is a 6-storey building. Altaf used to live in a duplex with seven and eight locks. When Emir and Aura tried to enter the building, the doorman stopped them. When Emir showed him his card, he mumbled,

"Sir, I have to call Madam. Please try to understand that it is my duty."

"Ok, then. Call her and say OC Mr. Emir has come.

"Yes sir."

The doorman finished talking on the phone and said,

"Sir, you can go. Madam is at home."

" All right. Come on Aura."

Emir goes to the elevator. Aura followed him to the elevator. Snista has a solution to one of the two problems of Aura. While in the elevator, Aura asked Emir,

"Well, did you find the way to the burglar's house!"

"No, there is no system to enter a whole man through a gap. After questioning the doorman, it was learned that the delivery boy had brought food to the room that day. He had a cap on his head and a mask on his face. The restaurant packed it and we got the packet. Kush works
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