Presentation of Happy bullet company

All those present entered the reception area and were able to enjoy quite a pleasant treatment. The military touched the walls and analyzed them.

Realizing that they were completely made of the valuable metal of titanium with an almost unimaginable purity.

“This metal is amazing. We should see if they sell this kind of titanium ingots. We could use it for the new military prosthetics.”

The general nodded and stroked his mustache. “It seems that the princess of the Restran family will compete in the future for the position of heiress.

But everything could happen, although as far as I am concerned I think I will support her if she shows that her company can become a pillar consortium in the country.”

At that moment, the two soldiers watched little Marie walk, who was somewhat happy about the event of the creation of her company.

Diara who was walking next to Marie looked at her fondly. “Ma Marie, how do you feel about this event?

Does the dress make you uncomfortable, or do you want me
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