Earn The Money

" Kevin, what do you think is the best way to earn money?" Dawn asked.

' From my experience, the easiest and the right way to earn money is beating the bad guys and taking their money, hehe,' Kevin replied while eying what was in front of him.

They were deep in the forest and Kevin had found some bandits in the forest the last time he went out to explore.

" You are a hundred percent right, Let's free those slaves they are trafficking and take all of their money," Dawn said as he looked for an opening.

He hid above a tree and pointed his fingers toward a bandit. ' I hope it kills him.' Dark purple energy started to gather when Dawn focused on his mana circulation.

A small round bullet started to take shape and Dawn started to focus on the target in front of him who was the boss of the bandits. Dawn fired the round energy bullet, the leader of the bandits sensed the danger and was going to run but could not because of the speed so he tried blocking it with his hands. However, the bullet went past through his hands and then hit his head.

' Is he dead?' Kevin asked.

' No, the force of the bullet was halved because of his hands and it couldn't pierce his head, but he is almost dead. Go kill him and eat his soul!' Dawn explained and ordered Kevin.

' Most certainly, you just stay hidden here.' Kevin quickly flew towards where the bandit was. The others were alerted when they saw their leader and had already taken cover.

Most of them thought that their leader was dead so they didn't even try to save him after that. When Kevin reached the place, he entered the mouth of the unconscious bandit and heated his entire head with flames, the flesh started to burn from the inside causing him to wake up but unable to scream.

He put his hand into his mouth to drag out whatever was there but it was already too late and then, his brain stopped working. It concluded with the death of the leader.

Those who witnessed it were in a very big shock, they quickly tried to make a run for it. However, Dawn shot mana bullets consequently, causing them to die as soon as the bullet connected their head.

' The boy is strong, I have never seen anyone use their mana like this.' Kevin thought and the next second he went for one bandit who was hiding because of fear.

The tiny ball of flame came flying toward him but he was unable to do anything. He accepted his death, quietly. The battle continued like this, Kevin discovered all the bandits one by one and killed them.


' Hey, are you alright?' Kevin asked.

' My mana increases every time I kill someone, so no problem.'

' That's a cheat-like ability.' Kevin complain but when he thought for a second, he also had the ability something similar to that. His flames become stronger every time he consumes the souls.

He quickly ran for the souls that were floating in the air and one by one consumed them, the core of the wisp didn't change much in size but Kevin could still feel the growth.

' You can come out now,' Kevin said, Dawn finally came down from the tree and headed towards a particular carriage covered by a huge cloth.

He pulled out the cloth and saw several women, children and young men tied in ropes, even their mouths were strangled by clothes. There were a few that were dead and were rotting in one corner.

The slaves looked at the boy with fear but some were curious as well. They were hearing all the noises outside and were alarmed about what was happening outside.

Dawn walked towards the other two carriages and there were more slaves there.

" These people deserved more than death." He clenched his fist and regretted the fact that he was weak to not even execute the right punishment.

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