Darkness, cruelty, and death. That’s just a few words that the King of Demons is called. Living in the Dark Realm, the Demon King reigns supreme over his millions of demonic followers and subjects. Kingdoms tried their best and forced to barricade the borders of the Dark Realm by putting powerful barrier spells on it, however, what happened happen. 102 years ago, the Demon King decided to conquer the world and that is when the barriers were broken, towns burned and destroyed, and blood was flooding each kingdom. Since the Demon King is the supreme being among demons, monsters, and beasts alike, his followers and allies were not limited within his territory, instead, every monster and beast around the world joined his conquest and helped him conquer the world. And so, the first Great Mage War began. The war went on for 5 years, since kingdoms did not have enough resources back then to continue fighting, so along the way of the war, some kingdoms backed out and some stayed while the oth
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