Chapter 2 Inexplicable hapening

  Because Lionel was isolated by everyone  and was considered to be an useless piece of trash by even his relatives, it was presumed that no one in the crowd cared about his sudden death by suicide but it now it was different matter altogether when he had died in such a way that'll implicate them when the police arrives.

   They couldn't believe that such an useless piece of trash could put their lives in such disarray as he took his terrible life. It was incomprehensible to them. People in the surrounding area started to freak out, and some of them even considered the thought of running away from the scene as quickly as they could. There were even some people who started to mutter insults against Lionel to themselves.

    Arnold was standing in the middle of the chaos, with his entourage trailing behind him, while everyone else around him was in complete disarray. Their facial expressions conveyed the greatest amount of terror, and it was abundantly evident that they would be the ones to be held accountable for Lionel's death if anyone was to be held responsible  for his passing at all. 

   Arnold remained unmoved and focused on the source of his anxiety, which was the mushed up body of Lionel that was laying on the ground in front of him.

   Arnold's  hands were shaking, and he appeared to be in a state of extreme panic, as seen by the expression on his face. Arnold didn't budge an inch from his standing position. It had never occurred to him in the course of his entire existence that he would one day shiver in fear like he was doing now.

   "Man, we have to make a run for it as quickly as possible before the authorities arrive, because we just cannot go to jail!" After hearing a voice in his ears and felt a hand tug on his shoulder from behind, he turned around to see what was going on. As soon as he turned back, he noticed his friends, all of whom were yelling at him to flee the area as soon as humanly could.

  Just as he was ready to respond to them, a rapid and powerful sound emanated from the direction of the sky;  The sound was so strikingly similar to the crackling of thunder, but in this case, it was louder, and it arrived with a magnitude that shook the very fabric of space itself.

  Everyone underneath began to shake in panic as the volume of the music caused their eardrums to become numb and come dangerously close to rupturing. As a direct consequence of the intensity of the sound, all of the glassware in the immediate area shattered, including those on the structure, the automobiles, the motorcycles, and any other nearby items.

   The crowd which were fleeing in disarray fell into total disorder when the sound ranged. When the sound faded, everyone stopped running and started making comments about he horribly loud sound. It was as if they had completely forgotten about the issue of Lionel's death.

  "What this horrible sound!"

"I have no idea what's going on!" 

"Is there a storm now taking place, and where did that sound originate from?"

"There's no way, the sky is completely clear, and there's absolutely no indication that there will be a storm at all."

  "There's a tiny hole in the sky!" "Look!" Someone instantly pointed out a little crack that had abruptly developed in the sky  out of nowhere; right when the sound died down.

  The other quickly directed their gazes into the sky and saw the crack. the crack in the sky was little and threadlike, and it was almost impossible to see that it was there.

   As soon as the unusual incident took place, the entire crowd was immediately filled with shock, and their minds were thrown into turmoil as they imagined the many alternative possibilities that may have taken place as a result of the event.

"Oh my God, what in the world is going on with this world,  why is there a f**king crack in the sky!"

"There is no way that could ever happen!"

"What the heck, is there some type of alien takeover, or something!"

 "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

   As the hole in the sky started to get much larger at an alarming rate, a succession of other cracking sounds began to resound one after the other. This took place while the audience was in a confused mood and mumbling to each other.

  The crack widened as the cracking sound reverberated. in continued it until the distance between its two sides reached five centimetres.   

   When it widened to this extent, all the people who stood below it soon got a sight of what was on the other side of the crack; all they saw was a pitch-black nothingness that gave off the impression of being extremely dangerous.

    Once the fracture had reached a width of six centimeters, it stopped spreading further, and the sounds of cracking stopped as well. At long last, the people's minds were finally put at ease. After a period of waiting, during which time they had the presumption that the loud cracking sound had permanently faded, people ultimately removed their hands from their ears and then numerous exclamations followed.

  After the uproar had died down, the crowd turned their attention to the fissure in the sky, and they did so with a sense of wonder in their eyes. People used their mobile phones, cameras, and several other types of electronic equipment to document and snap images of this extremely unusual event.They were the ones who started making jokes about it, and there were even some curious people who started making speculations about the unknowable reason of this incident. 

  Arnold and his friends gave out collective sighs of relief and then began making fun of each other over flinching in response to the cracking sound because it had surprised them. They were shocked by the sound because it was unexpected. 

   The mysterious fissure in the sky shined brightly like a gem and diverted everyone's attention away from the dead Lionel and the impending arrival of the law enforcement officers. It was almost as if the crack was a gem in the sky which captivated their eyes.

   The location was lively with a variety of conversations at the same time as a rising number of people who were drawn to the commotion flocked towards the site. However, it was obvious that this peaceful scenario would not continue for an extended amount of time because it was not guaranteed wether the crack had really stopped its expansion.

    All of a sudden, there was a huge boom that echoed throughout the region as something took place within the crack, something that left everyone in the area scared beyond their wits. 

    Two black colored giant hands gradually started emerging from the murky realm that was enclosed within the rift, and the rift itself widened further because of this.

     After the fissure had grown to a width of several kilometers, it was only then that the hands could be seen in their entirety. The hands were so massive that they were beyond anyone's ability to comprehend, and their size prevented anyone's view from seeing their total outline.

    After it had emerged, a horrifying monstrous scream that sent the hearts of those below into complete and utter fear resounded and the hands proceeded to tear apart the crack from two parallel sides, making it wider in the process. 

    Those below descended into panic once more, some chose to dessert the area however, some remained as they even began to make bold speculations about the giant hands.

"What... What…in t.the of f**k is that thing!" 

   " must be a monster, run for you lives!"

  "M..m aybe it didn't c..come for us!"

   "Is this the passageway that..that.. leads down into the underworld? Was..was..was.. it opened with the intention of taking away that unfortunate Leonel?"

   The horrific image that had just been presented had the crowd utterly frozen in fear and wonder. No one could move properly or speak properly after seeing it. They started to develop ideas in their minds that had no logical basis and were completely inexplicable in regard to what had happened. 

    Because the audience was in such a state of terror and confusion, no one saw when the abandoned corpse of Lionel, who had been laying on the ground, suddenly moved slightly. This occurred in front of Arnold and his friends who were also oblivious of it.

   Lionel's eyes, which had been closed, sprung open, exposing a glimmer of icy light and a ruthless expression deep within their depths.

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