Truth stone (2)
MJ kept thinking about how to answer the question…

“Tell her the truth” MJ heard Dave's voice in her head.

Due to the sudden intrusion in her mind, MJ's body jolted up.

“Stay Calm, I am talking with you through the Mind link,” Dave said.

“Are you alright?” Isabella asked her.

“Yes, I am fine” MJ replied at the same time she was talking with Dave.

“Dave are you sure it's ok to tell them the truth”

“Relax you can tell her, trust me,” Dave said in her head and then the connection cut off.

“MJ I will like you to answer the question” Isabella insisted.

“Ah sorry, the question you asked made me remember that terrifying sound,” MJ said

“It's alright, you are in school now so it's safe you have nothing to fear,” Isabella said making sure to comfort her.

“Ok thanks, actually I didn't know what made that terrifying sound but it surely gave me goosebumps,” MJ said, she just hopes Dave knows what he is doing this time.

The truth stone in the middle of the table then turned green, meaning that wh
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