Chapter 1 : The Royal Caribbean

"Hey, dammit!" yelled a man.

The long-haired man responded, "You don't belong here." 

Two drunken men dressed in dirty and stinky clothes entered a tavern to disturb another man. One has dark hair, while the other has long hair. A glass of rum stood in front of him, unopened. While gulping down the alcohol in each other's hands, the two men kept blowing the man down.

He is a fisherman named William Smith. Living on the Royal Caribbean Kingdom's coast is a dream come true.

"Hey, stupid! Are you deaf so you don't have to listen to what we're saying?!" The black man expressed his thoughts.

One of the gentlemen has returned to the scene. While beating Will on the head, spit out venomous remarks. The man with the thin mustache, on the other hand, stayed deafeningly silent.

"It's just that you're-"


Will slammed the man in black in the face before he could complete his statement. It is impossible to avoid fights. Some of the women present screamed in terror. To prevent a brawl, they stood aside.

They have a squabble. It's a two-on-one situation, that's not fair for fight! But because they were drunk was an advantage in itself for Will. Nobody dared to put them apart. Will is a well-known figure. He was a nobody, yet he had incredible combat skills. Instill fear in people's minds.

Will was blamed for the death of Will's wife, Isabella, by Stave, the black guy. He said if Isabelle died because of Will's inattention and inability to adequately care for her. Will was even more remorseful as a result of this.

He stomped on the black man's face till it bled.

Sudennly a bottle of the red wine smacked Will's head by a man with long hair and a dried cut on his face. He is Stephen.

It make his eyesight blurred in an instant. But it's not will if he lost her concentration in precarious atmosphere. He snatched up the bottle and slammed it downand, make it should be broken apart. Will slammed his fist into Stephen's chest, knocking him out. He spits blood as a result. After that, he sat down and close his eyes.

Will, who had lost control, stomped on Stave's face until it was covered in blood. He had forgotten about the pain in his hand. Every punch he threw at Stave seemed to be healing medicine for him.

Will was separated by two royal guards on routine patrol. Will's strength temporarily overwhelmed them, but when one of the guards pointed a gun at him, he calmed down.

Stave was no longer breathing, so he let go of him. Allow it to fall. They apprehend Will and imprison him in a dungeon.

Samantha, Will's sister, was told by a woman who became the owner of the tavern. Her surprise was palpable. Will's son, Sam, is sick and keeps calling out to his mother. She ask to her neighbor in caring for Sam for a while. She snatched up his coat and dashed down the kingdom's main street.

Will was indeed present, handcuffed with the job guards.

Samantha cried out, "Will!"

Will came to a complete halt.

Even on an uphill road, the girl tried to run. There isn't any time for tiredness. She was only looking forward to meeting her brother. Samantha came closer, her breaths ragged. She attempted to soothe him.

"What happened?"

"I'm sorry," said Will with a shake of his head.

"Will." Samantha's eyes welled up and tears began to stream down her cheeks.

"Take care of Sam. Please, I beg you."

Samantha nodded with crying. She hugged Will tightly as she couldn't bear the pain in her heart.

One of the guards stepped in between them and told Will to stand up. Samantha continued to cry, mentioning her brother's name. She couldn't do anything. Will was the one who was responsible.

He was imprisoned. There are a lot of insects, and the place is damp and stinky. It is appropriate for people who are incarcerated. He was incarcerated in a holding cell with two other inmates. Goblin has missing teeth, and Karl has a bald head.

"Welcome to hell!" said Karl.

Will returned the stare and proceeded to take his time. Lean against a wall and take a seat.

The Goblins inquired, "What's your name?"

Will take for a moment before returning his gaze to the front of the room.

"Keep to be regret for what you've done, because it is pointless. Hahahaha!"

"Ha ha ha!" 

Both men burst out laughing. Other inmates were made to swear and protest against them.

Will fell silent as he looked down. He was completely unconcerned about what the two idiots in front of him were saying.

Food for the prisoners was delivered by a guard. As if he were feeding a pet, he distributed bread and dried fish, tossing one fish and one loaf of bread at each prisoner. Even royal dogs are nobler than inmates' dogs.

Karl, chewing on the hard, tasteless bread with his black teeth, asked, "You don't want to eat?"

While staring at the bread and fish in front of him, Will remained silent. Karl's words did not compel him to respond.

"Alright. I'll assist you in eating if you refuse to eat," said he with picked up the bread from the dusty plate.

Suddemly Karl's hand hold by Will and he ate his bread. The Goblin and Karl exchanged a glance. In silence, they continued to eat. Will couldn't swallow the bread he was chewing, not because it was tough or tasteless, but because he couldn't get enough of it.


However, whenever he thinks of Isabella, his heart hurts. If he hadn't been sailing at the time, he could have been there to witness Isabelle's birth and see her beautiful face one last time. Will sobbed in front of his two new friends, making them uncomfortable.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything that occurs will undoubtedly occur. You'll be powerless to stop it " Goblin amuse.

"This is my fault. If I not leave her, she maybe still alive until now."

"What's gone can't be brought back. Only letting her go in peace is an option."


"What have you been up to?" asked Carl.

Will let out a sigh and began telling about his life.


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