The Philosopher's Deal

In the technological era of Areia, Technological Magistry has been the leading city after its advancement to the skies.

With many people working premium jobs and living in such comfort, only those who are rich in both wealth and ideas can climb and be one of the elevated society.

Technological Mages were inventors that had aspires to make a world where the Talentless are not oppressed by those with power but rather seen as an equal.

They were formerly only a group that favored the Talentless, but now it was but a mixed race of mages and normal humans, bound together by their technology.

The Talentless were what they called those who were unfortunate enough to be born without magic.

They were discriminated against in the older era, but now they were considered to be equal by most as they were the ones who invented the innovative technology that forever changed mankind.

However, regardless of the massive changes, the history of the Two Great Magicians remained.

They were the Two G
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