Formula To Winning

“You did something, didn't you?”

“Hmm? I wonder what you are saying. Weren't you uninterested in this kind of stuff?”

Above the arena that had begun to be covered amid Louis' ability, Ruriko and Mia began to continue their conversation.

Ruriko poorly tried to dismiss Mia's assertions, fending it back with few words.

“I am, but this is fairly about how you had anything to do about that man's sudden growth. You aren't perhaps favoring them just because they are loyal to your system. Isn't that quite unfair for everyone you forced to sit under your system?”

Mia would push further with it, broadening the conversation from some involvement with a contestant into a political imbalance.

Ruriko only giggled at her futile attempts to seek an answer from her, and despite that Mia had tried to sound threatening, her whims were just as cute.

But maybe this would only warrant one answer, to make her gears going.

“What do you think?”

Ruriko would leave such a vague answer that led to Mia's inter
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