Chp 16 - Stupid Tears
He still had no idea why she had suddenly switched from being his capable assistant to his apprentice but he couldn’t find fault with her. She was efficient. Every task he gave to her, she got done. It might take her a while but she was always pulling her own.

Jordan dismissed the niggling thought that there was more to this woman than paranoia.

“What more do you want, man?” his subconscious whispered to him one day when he was thinking the same thing. She had just completed a new task he gave to her and uncovered a tangible clue that was vital for the police investigation in the process.

Sitting on the porch of the office that evening with a glass of brandy in his hand long after they have closed for the day, Jordan thought of what she had accomplished in the past weeks. He had given her more things to work on after working together with her on cases for a while. Her first independent job earned them a glowing review from the client.

Alarick PI Firm was getting well known in Baler
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