Chapter 6

"So you are one of the reasons that I have been stuck in a rut all this time?"

Rex said angrily to the voice clenching his fist as he works to a more secluded area of the library so nobody was with him while he was having a conversation seemingly with himself.

"Do you know how many enchantments that people in my own year have probably learnt huh ?"

He asked them with his stern voice as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"About 4 to 5 ..."

The voice said almost not currently and the young man rested his back against the wall taking a deep breath as he held up all of his fingers.

"In an entire year, I've only learnt one enchantment ..."

"That's absolutely true."

"I became the laughingstock of my entire school."

"That is also correct."

Rex felt like he was going to explode in the next second but he took some deep breaths trying to calm himself down.

"So this is just how your system works ... who cares that I had to go through all of this?"

He pulled out one of the chairs that had been arranged for the students to sit and read in the library, looking around to make sure that nobody was coming to his side. He started speaking with the voice again.

"you really don't feel anything, after all, I've been through?"

the voice was silent for a while not saying anything to him and then it came back.

" I would advise that you asked more objective questions like which enchantment you want to learn next I can make it so that you will learn an enchantment 100 times faster than those who are supposed to be at the same level as you"

The young man was startled and stared into space for some time thinking about it 100 times faster. That was incredible so it was a system that made him able to learn so fast?

"wait can't I just learn 2 enchantments together instead of just one then you can split it maybe 50 50 an-"

"You should know that's not how the system works... you can only be allowed to learn one enchantment at a time, nothing more than that."

Rex was downcast at the moment when he heard that it seemed that there was no negotiating with the voice and it just said whatever it wanted to, crossing his fingers together with a heavy sigh he at least admitted it was good that He could learn another enchantment, maybe if he had at least two enchantments people would no longer call him fireball freak.

"Alright then since you want to be that way." he said to the voice "... then I'll accept your terms as long as it makes me stronger."

"That I can assure you," the voice said confidently then it asked him.

" what new enchantment do you want to learn next ..?."

Rex rubbed his chin thoughtfully wondering which one he wanted to learn next he had actually fallen into thoughts that he will only be able to use the fireball enchantments for the rest of his life so being given the opportunity to learn one put him a bit of balance.

But luckily for him, he was in a library and he could research which enchantment will be most beneficial to him at the moment, so he went to one of the shelves pulled out books on enchantment and study and he quickly began scanning through the books after a while he concluded that his best choice could only be one.

"Water!" he said to the voice confidently "I want to learn the water enchantment, particularly the water skills."

The voice was once a pain quiet for a moment before it was responded to by Rex.

"Are you sure about that? water?"

Rex scratched his head a little bit, then he began to lean back a little on his chair.

"According to the books here water is the best complimentary enchantment to fire, and with it, I'll be able to trap my agile enemies,"

"So it's with water then? are you sure that you don't want to change your mind?"

"Do you have something against the water enchantment?"

he finally asked the voice.

"I don't have anything against it, my opinion is unessential however once I start processing that enchantment you will not be able to learn another one ..."

Hearing that was still very unpalatable to the young student, but then it was better than nothing.

"I'm sure about the water enchantment ...."

"Alright, then processing water enchantment," said the voice.

After a while, the voice said again.

"Water enchantment is being processed into the system at its lowest level..."

Rex looked at his palms and tried to gather energy once again but it was not working. His heart began to race as he tried it once more but nothing happened.

"what happened? I'm trying to use my fire enchantment but it's not working..."

he said to the voice and it's a monotone tone, it replied back to him.

"That is true your enchantment for fire is no longer working for the moment, that is because the 14'' water is still being processed and using energy now will cause a malfunction..."

"But I haven't lost my ability?"

Rex asked the voice calmly even though he was panicking inside, and the voice told him that he was still capable of using his enchantments then after a few minutes the voice said to him.

"Water enchantments fully processed, you may begin levelling up the skill."

the excitement that was bubbling up in the young student was so much that his fingers began to tremble as he stood up from the chair and began to walk out of the library, the few students that were there who saw him either giggled or looked away but you did not pay attention to any of them.

He needed to make sure that this was actually real, if it was then it changed everything and the university would never see it coming.





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