Chapter 48: Open My Eyes

I suddenly opened my eyes as if waking up from a nightmare. I stood surrounded by a hoard of Cerberus shadows between me and Felix who stood at some distance, blankly looking my way.

I looked to my side where Deli was still crucified. She wasn't moving at all anymore, though I'm sure she hadn't quit breathing yet.

I grasped Ebony tightly and knowing these shadows were no big deal, I launched straight at Felix, easily cutting through all the shadows. It didn't take me long to understand that Felix was just testing the waters. These shadows were weaker than the ones before and I knew he was just trying to conserve his magic.

Still, it was no time to be lagging around, I spared no moments before I headed for Felix. I wasn't going easy on him. My entire focus was solely on the move I was making. I could hear the muscles in my body stretching, breaking and exerting with all my strength as I launched back to back attacks against Felix. He remained on the defense and dodged all my attacks.
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