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Jair Santana

Clutching at his head he rolled out of bed and slammed the alarm clock. He was surprised when he fully came awake to see how messy his room is. The paint is splattered on the floor. Clothes and other stuff aren't in their place. He sighed and began to start his day.

He was about to leave the room when he stepped on pencils that were scattered on the floor. A sketch pad too had caught his attention. With a wondering gaze, he looked around his room, only to notice a more strange phenomenon. The canvas is hanging so out of place with pieces of art painted on it.

Jair looked at his hands. It was dirty with paint.

Did I just paint all those? He thinks.

That can't be because ever since he can't even draw a stick man. Art is really not his thing but this creation in front of him looks so real and...alive.

He took a deep breath trying to recall what happened. Ever since he came home from Jade Peaks, he was not of himself lately.

One art piece caught his attention.

It was a
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