Chapter 61: Roots of the Baobab tree (1)

He was still engrossed in his thoughts when he sensed a strange presence around his house. His eyes glowed golden as the uncanny presence revealed itself.

It was a grim reaper, a bizarre one at that. This reaper was dressed in white with a sickle-like tool in the right hand. The hood was empty, with no face just pitch black but two hands were visible too.

Elio was taken aback by this unearthly person, why would a grim reaper dress in white? It was getting funny and confusing as Elio subconsciously started laughing.

He was still laughing when the reaper charged at him, before he could avoid it, the sickle-like took already injured him, hence he braced up himself and swallowed hard, ready to fight for his life.

The reaper advanced towards him and each strike was twice as strong as before. The power-thirsty Elio had cuts all over hence, he knew that this person was after his life.

He thought of spells to use but then, being a dumbass was the worst thing that could happen to anyone. He th
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