Chapter 17

Morning came and Yamada was awoken by an unfamiliar and strange sound. He perked up to see Gwyneth, snoring in her night gown sprawled over in her bed.

Her cleavage bulged out of the night gown, and Yamada quickly covered her with his blanket, leaving the room breathing heavily.

He slapped his forehead repeatedly, suddenly hearing the hand maidens giggling and looking down at him. Yamada went bright red, he had forgotten that he was bare to them.

He quickly summoned his armour, slapping down his visor.

“Lady Lockhart left you a set of instructions.” The handmaiden said, giving him a piece of parchment paper. The writing on it was elegant and beautiful, each stroke of the quill was perfect.

However the cursive writing was too advanced for Yamada, and even under his visor, the handmaidens could tell he was lost.

“ need help with reading it?” One of them asked hesitantly.

Yamada slowly gave back the parchment. “I got the numbers, but not the words. The letters are all so loopy an
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