Chapter 12

Zhang Xuan turned to the young master with a smirk. He needed to inflict a divine punishment on the man for his arrogance and misbehavior. If left unchecked, the young master would certainly cause his downfall in the future.

Memories flashed within Zhang Xuan's mind, of the ancient protagonists of yore. Those who were always betrayed by a foolish and arrogant young master they had spared the beating of the ass! Without a proper beating ingrained into them, these foolish young masters would retreat to gather power to strike back another day!

The store clerk watched Zhang Xuan as if he were the hero of a novel, casually beating the ass of the villain in seconds! "Oh my god, He's so cool!" The store clerk exclaimed, the young master standing to face Zhang Xuan.

"Zhang Xuan, if you beat me. My father will not stand still anymore! I am the son of Fu Meng, once of the richest men in the country!" The Meng son proclaimed, but Zhang Xuan was undeterred.

There was only one way to put down such
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