Chapter 48

~~ Progress ~~

With an elongated sigh, Ian dropped his pencil and rested his back on the chair.

He was done with the history questions, thanks to Karen, who took her time to give him answers to each of the questions.

Although, she was reluctant at first. She was puzzled why he wouldn't know any of the historical events that had happened in Dhemistaria. If at all he was to ask for help, it wasn't to be history; everyone naturally knows at least 30% of Dhemistaria's history. They were either taught in school, or told as evening/bedtime stories at home.

Ian had to lie that he had exam fever and was experiencing a short time amnesia. Luckily for him, he had his Math and English scripts to prove that he actually knew something. Karen was momentarily stunned by this. He had solved the 'hardest' questions so quickly, and when she crosschecked them with the ones she had solved, he was correct all through while she made some mistakes in hers.

It was after this confirmation, tha
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