29. Is she going to be okay?

The paramedics who arrived at the scene manage to stabilize her a bit after asking me and the waiter who served us a rapid slew of questions, and immediately puts her on a stretcher and leads her into the ambulance.

“Is she going to be, okay? What happened?” I demand, feeling my heart racing in my chest “where are you taking her?!”

The woman EMT of the pair that came from the ambulance turns to me, holding her hands up. “Sir, you need to calm down. Your friend just had a severe allergic reaction to a spice present in the sauce of the pizza topping she ordered, which is why we took samples of the food to determine what exactly she had a reaction to. We need to take her to the hospital to treat her further.”

“I’m coming with you,” I tell her.

“Alright, you can follow us. We’re taking her to Clandestine General Hospital. However, you better notify and come with her family.”

“Yes, yes, of course. I will be there, and I’ll call her parents.”

“Of course, sir, we have to go now.”

The EMTs ge
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