Jessica scuttled over to Russell with a cold expression. Seeing her, Russell’s heart skipped. He looked away.

“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” she asked aloud.

“Whoa,” he turned back toward her and hissed in a low voice, “why are you shouting?”

“Then answer me!”

“I-I thought you might be working, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“That’s nice of you, but I quit the job,” she casually said.

“Oh, you quit, huh… wait, you did what?” he was shocked. “Why did you quit?”

“Why else? I didn’t like how they treated you,” she quickly replied. “How can I work there after what happened…” she suddenly remembered about Kyra’s offer. “Nah, scratch that, how about we both work there again?”

“What do you mean?” Russell raised his brows. “I just got fired today. I somehow managed to get this job. They pay 15 dollars per hour, and I don’t like the smell here, but it’s better than nothing.”

“So you won’t work in that restaurant no matter what?” Jessica asked. “Even if you’re paid more?”

“No,” Russell w
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