Chapter Eight

End Of Training

Finally out of the White Hunters guild, Jacob heaved a sigh of relief after he got home. He couldn't help but get the nagging feeling that the White Hunters guild were hiding something from him. Deciding to focus on his strength for now, Jacob asked the system; "What happened back there, was I about to awaken another element??"

**Host's Level is currently too low to access the information**

Sighing, Jacob shook his head, he expected that; " Who was the unknown entity that cut off my connection with the orb??"

**Host's Level is currently too low to access the information**

Exasperated, Jacob asked angrily, "Is there any information I have access to??"

**Host has access to the skills related to the elements host awakened**

"Well, at the least, I got something", Jacob said comforting himself.

"What are the skills??"

**Skills related to the Shadow Element:

Shadow Hop

Shadow Conceal[Advanced]

Shadow Clone

Shadow Hop: This is a skill made solely for assassination, it allows
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