140. Erick Inside The Den Of Wolfs




" " Speech,

' ' Thoughts,



He was walking towards the bustling area of Miami City with a cold look in his eyes.

Today, someone is about to suffer in Erick's hands with how icy his look shows.

"Hmmm! Let's see first, how many dirty deeds you have done while I am at it. I can also secure the evidence so the City administration won't find fault with me. That's if they can find my involvement, hehehe!" Erick muttered to himself while smiling darkly and like a ghost, next second he vanished from there.

In just a few steps, he appeared in front of a building used for entertainment purposes.

It's also a place for rich people to waste themselves on women and alcohol.

In these troubled times, weak women who have no one to rely on, have no place in society or respect and are used more like tools for quenching their urges.

This place is more like a brothel where only rich people can enjoy themselves.

Erick entered the building and without attracting attention to himself,
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