As soon as the gemstone was pulled out of the demon’s chest, Fenryn saw the glow pulsate one last time before it became a dull glow and nothing more. He frowned and took out a piece of cloth, drying off the blood from his hand, arm, and the gemstone.

He tried not to think about it, but the truth was that this gemstone wasn’t from the ground like the others. Even if this wouldn’t be used in the ritual to make one a God, then it still had special properties to it. It was the heart of a demon, and he dared to think what power it was capable of.

Vaughan marched over to Fenryn and grabbed his arm, pulling the King out of his concentration on the demonic gemstone heart. At first, the sudden call to move puzzled him, but then he saw and heard the lesser demons coming their way.

Putting the gemstone in the dirty cloth and carefully away in his satchel, Fenryn swiftly followed Vaughan back the way they had come. He didn’t want to wait and find out what happened when the lesser demons found t

Sorry for the day or two delays. I struggled to write this chapter for some reason. I don't know why, but enjoy!

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