Meanwhile, Brianna was just staring into Trevor’s eyes and wondering what he was thinking, because she could tell that he was not present in the moment with her. He flicked her fingers in front of his eyes, snapping Trevor back to reality.

"Hey, what were you thinking before? You were off," she complained.

"It was nothing; I was just having a conversation with Lucifer in my head," he replied calmly.

"Okay, I understand," she mumbled. She could tell that things were going to be different with Trevor now that he had the devil inside of him.

After a few moments. "I wished Claudia, Lauren, and Darius would have survived the whole selection process; they didn’t deserve to die the way they did," Brianna said in a sad tone.

"Yeah, they didn’t; that’s why it was crucial for me to become the devil king and not let all their deaths go in vain," he replied, gazing into her eyes.

Brianna then wondered how Trevor was able to erase everyone's memories of the selection process when Lily and one of t
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