Taking The Center Stage

Finnian’s result so far was indeed intimidating compared to that of his peers. The female category loathed him still, but they had to admit that he had taken them unawares. He was among those least expected to achieve much in the trial, and you couldn’t blame them for thinking like this. When it came to bulk physical appearances, Finnian was without a doubt at the bottom of the list. The few times he participated in school sports was a disaster. He never even made it past tryouts in most cases. One time, he tried participating in a race but his weights dragged him down and his team lost. That was the very last time he was seen near anything sporty.

Teenagers had a nasty way of spreading rumors and dragging someone’s name into the mud. Finnian was the butt of all jokes for almost an entire school year. Although this didn’t lead to him being bullied, as that was against the rules, it still hurt to be overlooked by your peers. Finnian did well to develop a thick skin to all the comments
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