Chapter 17 Story' Of Queen Terrace

Wounds from the curse. No wonder, the heavy injuries suffered by two members of Zazzle, Mecird Senior couldn't stop the bleeding. The injuries that the two members of Zazzle had suffered, were from a curse that even Mecird Senior couldn't fully handle, only a magician skilled in curses could deal with this symptom.

Lian observed the wounds of one of the Zazzle members lying on the side divan. There are fine, shiny powder-like crystals around the wound area which are now mixed with blood. It's poison powder. Meanwhile, the curse is a dark blue fracture on Prana's wrist, similar to a vein.

Lian could feel Prana's magical energy getting weaker. If not handled properly, the bleeding and the curse will not be removed. Prana will lose magic energy, even the most terrible one, namely death.

There is one powerful plant that removes the poison-triggering curse powder. It is enough to use the ingredients of special magic herbs. Lian wrote down the ingredients on a piece of paper and gave it to Mecird Senior.

"Prepare these ingredients. I want this to be available as soon as possible, I will make the rest myself."

"Your Highness, one of the magical herbs just now... flower buds?" she asked.

"That flower is so rare. The only magic herb that can neutralize curses. It could be done using the magic needle method, removing the poison powder that has entered the wound. But the magic needle method is very dangerous if done, while the curse has entered inside the body."

"Only the florets can remove the poison powder first and then the curse can be countered without any harm. Even though the plant is quite difficult to cultivate. It can only be found in the area of ​​the magic zone," Lian answered Lily's curiosity.

"However, the magic needle method is quite effective in removing the poisons from the curse. Instead of flower florets being sometimes very hard to come by, it's equally difficult. Why do you need those florets?" said Lily getting curious.

Nan beautiful face and has a sense of curiosity. A girl before Lian, she doubles as a personal assistant, sometimes Lian thinks back to her late mother who died long ago. The girl's curious eyes and expression were just like her mother's.

However, her mother loves Lily, considering her like her own daughter after her mother died. Lian replaces Lily as she grows up and places the girl as her assistant. Doting like a little sister, just like her little brother, Lin.

"Of course, there are always advantages and disadvantages, such as Mecird which is needed by everyone as a healing power. This is your learning even as Mecird Senior. The current method of magic needles is learned by almost all Mecird Seniors, that's especially you. Including modern magic methods that have reached currently only certain witches are allowed to perform the magic needle method. There are times when it's a traditional way passed down that was once practiced by our ancestors."

Lian held Lily's shoulder, giving words of wisdom, like an older brother to his younger sister. "Don't forget how our ancestors created the basics of traditional medicine, even though medicine is increasingly advanced and modern."

Record Senior who was asked to bring the ingredients for the herbs had returned, carrying two trays and a cloth bag, giving them to Lian. And, beginning with his skilled hands, concocting herbal medicines. Pound a few leaves and one pale flower florets, ground into fairly fine flakes.

It didn't take long, only up to five minutes, and the herbal concoction was finished. Put on a silver tray. The herbs mixed with the florets gave a unique impression, there was no need to use any other ingredients. Once the powder was applied to serious wounds, the fine wisps of the florets absorbed the poison and blood powder that seeped into the herbal globules.

The fissure lines along Prana's wrist began to disappear, all that was left was a small hole that became the wound area, requiring only magic energy. Lian had finished dealing with the poison and curse, after that, it was only Mecird Senior who took over. Using magical energy, closing open wounds, and replacing dead skin cells with new ones.

Record Senior checked Prana and Saka's condition.

"The condition of both of them is stable again, it's just a matter of healing, Your Majesty."

"Very well. Then, I'll leave this task to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty King Lian," said Mecird Senior and Junior, bowing in unison.

After the problem of the two Zazzle members who had received the best treatment, Lian, accompanied by Lily, returned to the basement.

Investigate the mysterious death case of one Zazzle member. Step into the morgue. Lian opened the faded cloth covering the corpses of the Zazzle members. The whole body of the corpse was black, there were so many old wrinkles around the face and the emaciated body, leaving only bones and skin.

His palm touched the corpse's chest, giving off a warm light. Lian checked the condition of the corpse.

"Impossible!" said Lian who scrunched up her face, even her thick eyebrows were raised.

"What is it, Your Majesty?"

The light on his palm dimmed, and Lian was stunned, after doing a thorough inspection.

"I don't sense any traces of magical energy in Dorian's body."

"Impossible, Your Majesty. Even if a witch dies, not counting how long before the corpse decomposes, at least there are traces of magical energy left in the body. Which indicates the corpse was a witch when she was alive," Lily said broadly.

That is very correct. There's something odd about Dorian's corpse. A blackened body, only bones covered with skin and no traces of magical energy, suddenly, a flaming magic inscription glowed on the back of Dorian's hand. Lian could feel the cursed aura binding Dorian's corpse.

"This... this is the Mark of the Dark Curse?" Lily stuttered and gasped. Seeing a curse mark appear on the back of Dorian's corpse's hand.

"It's been such a long time, this is the first time such a curse mark has appeared again. Since the downfall of Queen Terrace, Queen of the Witches of the Devil's Curse."

It's not wrong if Lily was so surprised and Lian saw the mixed fear in Lily's eyes.

Queen Terrace in the past, eighteen years ago to be exact. Queen Terrace is Arabella, a princess from a kingdom who still has a distant lineage with the Lian family, and that woman is the wife of Harsa Gosswardt.

Queen Arabella is known as the Dark Witch and the Curse of the Devil. Past greatness and admiration did not escape the many people who hated and feared Queen Arabella. Including the worst historical records.

The massacre of more than five thousand Mage Troops in the Night Sky Palace was during the provocation and kidnapping of crown prince Terrace. And, the most tragic is the death of Queen Arabella. Death caused by the Devil's Curse suddenly turned against Queen Terrace. Such a terrible death.

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