Chapter 180: The last battle (Part 12)

After Gabriel's angelic transformation, Selene pressed her both hands together ready to unleash energy that would obliterate the city. Still, moving within a second… Gabriel took a weapon from her hidden inventory. Not exactly look like a weapon, but this weapon is considered one of the deadliest in the heavenly realm and only those who have reached high-ranking status could manifest.

Golden horn appeared instantly on Gabriel's both hands. She inhaled heavily and blows the horn. Releasing ungodly loud sound. The sound destroyed Selene’s eardrums and all holes in her body bleeds blood.

Meanwhile, Gabriel took a recoil and her nose gushed a glass amount of blood.

They are now both away from the second. The clock started ticking again. The same little girl holding the ball worried about what was going on noticing her teacher in pain. Shifting her eyes to another teacher--Kisara.

“Our teacher is fighting…” She muttered.

Gabriel bites her lips.

“Another fail… Sounds waves are the only thin
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