Supplementary Chapter 14

       "Alright let's make some hypotheses."

    Ja Lia sat under a tree. He was sure that he was far from the hut. The hut which had had been tailing seemed never to be wearied and he was never wearied of hiding himself him from it. But at that moment, he was tired of walking. He should be willing to admit that.  

   He had been sitting there for a while before he was able to say something. He had been looking to and fro to notice if anything odd would happen at all. He seemed to be lucky that nothing odd was happening. He would had worked his way around it of course. 

    His sandals were becoming heavy. That was reasonable. He probably had been given to many thoughts. That shouldn't be the reason by the way. He probably had been so worried. That shouldn't be too. Twas obviously because he had been walking since. He couldn't say for how may hours. He couldn't also sa

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