"WHAT'S the matter, Shatile?" Ianna asked Shatile that day.

“Can you keep a secret, Ianna. Okay, just promise me never to say this to anyone that I'm gonna tell you." She answered.

"I promise, Shatile." Ianna even raised her right hand. Shatile feels Ianna's sincerity, but the truth is that she only befriended her because she wanted to know her secrets and how to be like Ianna. How to be beautiful and many more.

"Because mom is an ex-convict... I was only ten years old then, Ianna. My mom had brain issues then and she killed someone but didn't kill the person on purpose." What he told Ianna was also true, because she was confident that when she told a deep secret, she would also tell her a secret.

"So, your mom's case was murder?" she could also see the fear in her eyes.

“Mom should have been imprisoned for life, because she didn’t just kill one person, Ianna. But many people! It was in Manila then, it was good, and I had a grandfather who was capable of living, my father asked my gra
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