Problem with the deal

Nagid said nothing and he held his shoulders .

He was acting like good son who was worried for his father as company.

“You need not worry. A good deal

Like this comedy come on a silver player . By the way where did you see his “ he asked .

“I was reading through and decided to just get some rest by going through social media. Thats when I across this. They message qa well hidden bit tbskd to the little knowledge I have I hacking I was able to decode it and saw this. It was so hidden and said anyone who can be aboe yo see this should stay away from the silicon deal. I looked through and saw that it was true. I did not even waste a minute and came her to tell you “ he said .

Tony was being to feel this was the only person who really cared for the company the most.

“Let me have a look” he asked and room his phone .

He smiled a hesw the message on it:

He did not even try to hide the fact that this was a funny thing to him,

“You believe this? I thought I knew you better than this. Just
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