"We have carried out the blood test as you instructed." Dr. Lane reported to Dr. Finn; she took the test result from him and read through it.

"The virus is present in his body, but it’s too little to cause any changes." "I suggest we add more to the dose," he continued.

"Dr. Martins! Dr. Martins!" she yelled, walking toward the doctor, who was stabilizing another test subject. He dropped the syringe he was holding and turned to look at his furious Cousin

"Whatever it is now," he sighed, expecting her to say something.

"Why does test subject No. 15273 has just a little virus in his body?" "Did you not use the right dosage?" she quarried

"I used the right amount that was assigned to me." I gave you the records and test papers I did on these people; you didn’t go through them enough. He has a very strong immune system, probably the strongest I have ever seen. "Before the virus could pair with his cells, over half of them had already been destroyed." Dr. Martins reported

"Give him mo
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